Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 31, 2021


Ethan and Ehlana:

Congratulations, Elliott and Nora Roberts – you’re married!

Starting from where we left off yesterday, the anniversary barbeque dinner was awesome; Mom, Dad, and the Ghosts won their ballgame against the Shriek; and we ended up joining in on the babysitting at the Ayres’ home because our younger cousins wanted us to stay with them – though we still came home for the co-ed sofa sleepover part of our plan! ;^)

Cassie and Michael semi-surprised us by coming home for the weekend, but they didn’t get home until three o’clock; and Cassie worked on marking exams during the entire trip – a job that will keep her busy for most of the weekend too.  The surprise was that Cassie came home with Michael; since the original plan was for him to come home with Rowen and Tim for Elliott and Nora’s wedding while she stayed behind to get her T.A. duties for the summer session finished – as well as start working on setting up for the fall semester too.

We helped out with some fatigue healing for Cassie and Michael this morning; Tai Chi by the river was extra-special thanks to having them around; and then we had a busy morning after breakfast that included as many chores as we could get done before Ehlana, Naomi, and the Harpies had their game against the Prides.  Cassie multi-tasked cheering for them with her ongoing exam marking; and might have made a difference in the outcome; since the Harpies only managed to win by a single run today.

While Cassie and Michael were busy with the wedding this afternoon; we worked on some more chores after lunch; followed that up with some play time, biking, and swimming with our friends; and Naomi and Aiden stayed with us for dinner; and they’ll be staying for the night again too.  We’ve had a quiet evening around here, since Cassie and Michael are still busy with the wedding reception; and this update is coming to you while Naomi and Aiden are taking turns having a soak in the Jacuzzi or taking a shower respectively ahead of our movies-and-cuddle-time plan for the rest of our night.  We might get to have a late visit with Cassie and Michael too depending on how late they get home tonight, but we’ll let you know how that goes for us with the next report.

That’s enough for tonight.  We’ve had a good day, if not really very exciting compared to weddings or other summertime adventures, so we’re happy; and ready to wrap up our day with our favorite cuddle buddies.  Stay tuned; we’ll hope that the awesome will continue tomorrow; and, until next time...

...this is Ethan and Ehlana Proctor; live from the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!

Friday, July 30, 2021

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 30, 2021


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 16th Anniversary, Philip and Liz Seager!

Congratulations, Jeff and Ellen Connor – you’re pregnant!

Dinner and a play evening with the Seagers last night – along with our co-ed sofa sleepover – were the best parts of our Thursday.  While we had a blast, there really isn’t anything newsworthy about the family-friendly games or the movie that we wrapped up our day with before falling asleep.  Tai Chi in Naomi’s back yard included the bonus entertainment of having Brianna join us while her parents opted for their normal workout by the river.

After breakfast, we had chores to do – including at the Ayres’ house to help out with getting ready for the anniversary dinner party for Naomi’s parents.  That kept us busy until lunchtime; we were set free to play for the afternoon; and now we’re currently getting ready for that family-and-friends’ dinner.  We’ll be on kid-control for that meal – and also for the co-ed ball game this evening.  Naomi and Aiden will be here with us tonight so that their parents get a kid-free night, but we might also help out with the babysitting at the Ayres’ house after the ballgame for a couple of hours too.

We’ll let you know how that goes for us, but it’s time to get going again; so, until next time...

...this is Ethan and Ehlana Proctor; live from the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 29, 2021


Ethan and Ehlana:

Another day; another blast of too-much-heat – though we’ll be through the worst of this latest heat wave soon.

We shouldn’t complain at all anyway; since the temperature has still cooled off every night; and it has been very nice most mornings too until mid-morning or later.

Our day so far has included some morning chores after breakfast; biking and swimming with our friends until lunchtime; and then Naomi and Aiden opted for hanging out with us at the lab or archives for a couple of hours this afternoon as part of our stay-cool plan.  We just finished going for a swim with our friends; and now we’re only split up while packing overnight bags for a sleepover at Naomi’s house.  We still have to live the rest of our adventures before writing about them with the next report – and we expect to have a lot of fun; since Naomi’s parents will be celebrating their anniversary tomorrow.

We need to move on and over to Naomi’s house soon, so that’s all for this update.

Until next time, this is Ethan and Ehlana Proctor; live from the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 28, 2021


Ethan and Ehlana:


The pizzeria pizza dinner, baseball, and camping last night was all really great – though a bit hot for most of those adventures.  We have another really hot day; which is why we’re home tonight to enjoy the indoors break from the heat.  After Tai Chi by the river and breakfast; we packed up our campground; spent a couple of hours doing chores; and then we had another play afternoon that included a lot of swimming because we needed to stay as cool as possible.

Mom and Dad only had two of us for dinner – an easy-meal ahead of the co-ed ball practices tonight; and we helped out with the younger cousins and kids while the parents were busy.  We should mention that we also spent time with Violet and her baby, and while we don’t mention it very often in our journals; we do have dozens of cameo moments with our youngest cousin every week – either around our house or elsewhere in town.  We don’t really want to get into any major commentary about anything tonight; so let’s wrap this up.

We came home from the park; bath or Jacuzzi time was required by all of us; and we’ve been taking it easy since then with some music fun and the usual bedtime chat and wind-down time.  Getting some sleep now is an option, and we are worn down from the heat and outdoor adventures of the past couple of days; so, until next time...

...this is Ethan and Ehlana Proctor; live from the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 27, 2021


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 2nd Anniversary, Cassie and Michael!

We had a video chat with them this morning, and sent gifts, but didn’t get to share in their special day.  Cassie’s into her second day of exams and Michael is doing football training; so celebrating in a major way wasn’t an option anyway.

While Cassie was busy at school; we’ve had another very hot day.  We had some chores to do this morning after breakfast; we played in and around the river for most of the afternoon; and we’ll be heading to our ball practices – and the pizzeria pizza picnic dinner – soon.  This update is early because we’ll be camping at Aiden’s again tonight; so we won’t take our computers along.  We’re not really planning anything for after baseball other than hanging out in our tents and maybe going for a swim or two to stay cool; so we aren’t expecting any major adventures – and won’t be writing about what our parents will do with another kid-free night or offering any anniversary-related overnight fun that we definitely don’t need to know about from Cassie and Michael.

We don’t even want to think about that sort of thing, and really need to get going again anyway; so, until next time...

...this is Ethan and Ehlana Proctor; live from the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!