Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - June 30, 2018

It’s the last day of June, and we’ve had a pretty good day; but I’ve been having a quiet evening at home with Mom and Dad; so this hasn’t been an exciting end to our day.

We had a good morning; had fun watching Ehlana, Naomi, and the Pixies win their baseball game; and then we did chores at home until we stopped for lunch at around one o’clock.  Ehlana and I went to the lab after that with Uncle Adam; I spent those hours in the archives while they played in the lab; and then we stayed too long before heading home late for dinner.  Mom and Dad had been kid-free; we don’t need to comment on why they hadn’t even gotten around to cooking dinner; and that worked out for us because we scored a bonus dinner at the Inn when they decided not to cook.

That was also a chance for a couple of cameo moments with Cassie, since she’d worked the full shift at the Inn; and then we took Ehlana over to Naomi’s for the sleepover they were having so that Naomi wouldn’t be at home all night with Zack and Eli.  After getting home, Mom and Dad worked in the office while I read a few books in the digital archives; and then Mom and I took Silkie for a bedtime walk before I came up to my room and got ready for bed.  Silkie’s with me, but she’s tired out too; and we’re both ready to get some sleep.  That’s all the news for today; so I’m okay with getting to that nap time right now.

Ethan – out!

I really like playing sports, and have a lot of fun doing that with Naomi; but sometimes it’s tough playing games against our friends – and I mean that because we need to hold back from showing off everything we could do if we were able to play our very best.  We do still have fun, though, so even when we’re competing against some of our friends; I don’t have a problem with sharing the love – even when I get teased about doing things like hugging base runners when they have a particularly-good hit or play!  It’s also more fun when we win; so it was a good day for the Pixies as we won our game against the Chimeras this morning by a score of nine-to-seven.

The Emporium treats after that were great; and then Ethan and I helped Mom and Dad with the yard work for the rest of the morning because Cassie was busy at the Inn all day.  We worked until lunchtime; Ethan and I went to the lab with Uncle Adam after that; and I was happy to play in my lab and do another test of the latest extract we’ve bio-engineered to try and make a cure for colds.  That test was promising right up until the virus overpowered it and survived, but we are making progress; so we just need to figure out why the virus is winning those microscopic battles.

Sounds simple – and isn’t!

Moving along, we were late getting home; Mom and Dad hadn’t cooked dinner; and took us to the Inn instead before taking me over to Naomi’s for my sleepover with her.  I love her, and that’s enough of a reason to make certain sacrifices for her; but we should definitely do more of these sleepovers at my house when it’s because she doesn’t want to be stuck at her house when Eli’s invited Zack over for the night too.  I love my cousin too, but Zack is an interesting study case for Magi kids – and that’s entirely because he’s having a lot of fun creating his own ‘normal’ persona.  He’s creating a reputation for being a bit of a Neanderthal-type guy; and may be doing that in part because he knows how much it annoys some of his favorite girls.  He and Eli are also a scary pair; and they spent too much time tonight trying to mess with Naomi and me.  They’re likely not even done with that as I write this; but they have at least given us something to talk about with our girl chat tonight – not that Naomi and I ever actually have a problem with that.

Even with the annoyances, we’ve still had a good night; and a more-exciting one than Ethan’s had since going home with Mom and Dad.  We haven’t talked with him tonight; but He and I can always sense each other no matter how far apart we are; so I know how he’s feeling – which is tired right now.

That, by the way, affects me too, but Naomi and I aren’t ready to go to sleep now anyway – as if Zack and Eli would let us quite yet even if we did want to go there.  I’m going to get back to hanging out with Naomi, though, and the next ‘attack’ is imminent anyway; so I should probably get my computer put away before I have to worry about whatever the next prank is going to be messing it up.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - June 29, 2018

Take yesterday, make it a tiny bit cooler, and switch up our evening to a Friday night dinner and holiday pre-cooking adventure at Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne’s; and that’s been my day.  Now I just need to get some sleep; so that’s it for my report tonight.

Ethan – out!

I really love working in the lab nearly every day!  Mom won’t let us do that all day, seven days a week, since we have to keep up with the ‘normal’ kid act.  Okay, I have fun with our friends too, but just can’t find video games as much of a challenge as trying to cure the common cold or the other projects we’re doing at the lab!  Maybe Ethan can do that, since he does spend most of his time reading dusty, old books and ancient scrolls; so racing cars or fighting dragons is awesome by comparison!

Moving along, we did had another hot, sunny play day that was also not too-exciting while we continued to take it easy on Miles so he doesn’t miss out on anything really good; and then Ethan and I were with Mom and Dad at Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne’s house for our usual family dinner.  Instead of a movie or play night; the parents did a lot of pre-cooking for the Fourth of July; so we – the cousins – played in the back yard and went for a couple of swims.  Mom and Dad brought us home by nine; I borrowed Cassie’s Jacuzzi to get cleaned up; and had a bedtime chat with Ethan before coming into my room.  I haven’t done any extra studying or work; since I want to get a good night of rest to be ready for my second ballgame of the season in the morning.  I know, it’s no big deal, but I do still like to win; so I will try my best.

Yes, that can only be my best within the ‘normal’ kid rules; but Naomi and I are allowed to be two of the best girls our age at sports; so we’ll hopefully have a good game tomorrow!

I’ll let you know how that goes with the next report, but that’s all for tonight; so I’m going to wrap this up and get to that sleeping part of my night.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - June 28, 2018

After the excitement yesterday, we had a quiet day around here today.  Ehlana and I worked at the lab this morning; we had a modified play afternoon with our friends because we wanted to include Miles while not upsetting him over what he couldn’t do until he heals up a bit more; and that’s why we stayed off of our bikes and away from the park playground and trails.  We swam in the river at our house; went for a canoe ride; and played video games to keep Miles happy and entertained – though he had to settle for sitting on the dock instead of swimming while his arm is in a sling.

We’ve had a quiet night since our friends went home; had dinner with Mom and Dad; and we all did some work or studying in the office after that.  Cassie’s been busy at the Inn and will be at a birthday party for one of their friends, Joshua; so she’ll likely be a bit late getting home tonight.  I’ve had enough fun for today, though; so that’s it for my report today.

Ethan – out!

It’s been a hot, sunny day here; and I’ve had a lot of fun –whether that was playing in my lab or with my friends after spending the morning at the lab.  That’s really the only news of the day that matters, since we didn’t have any breakthroughs at the lab; and our play time was uneventful as we took it easy today so that Miles could play with us.  We had a quiet work and study night at home after dinner too ahead of the weekend; so that really is all of the news I have for tonight.  Getting some extra sleep will be good ahead of the weekend too; so I’m going to get to that now!

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - June 27, 2018

Lesson of the day – watch where you’re going while showing off on your bike; since it really hurts when you don’t and end up hitting a tree!

The top news story for today is first up for my report today; since that was a lesson that Miles learned the hard way this afternoon when he did just that while showing off for the girls; and he hit that tree with bone-breaking force.  I felt bad for Miles, but I’ll also admit that it was also awesome for Ehlana and me; since we got to help out with Miles’ healing after we got him to the med center while Uncle Adam supervised us.  We don’t get many real-life chances to practice our healing talents, and while we couldn’t completely heal Miles without making a miracle happen, but we healed the worst of his injuries; and shortened his recovery time by months.

Miles’ accident happened on one of the park trails after we had our picnic lunch at the park.  He was challenging Caroline and the other girls; went first to prove he was the best rider; and after a pretty good ride on the trail; he was busy taunting Caroline right before he went off-trail, caught his front wheel in a rut; and hit the tree head-first.  I took care of Miles while Ehlana and Naomi rode to the clinic to get help; Miles was knocked out; and I only kept the rest of our friends from doing anything that might hurt Miles.  Other than wrapping him in a picnic blanket to keep him warm – though it’s been a really hot day too; I couldn’t do anything to help with all of our non-Magi friends around.  Miles came around before Uncle Adam and Aunt Deborah got to us; and then I was mostly out of the way once I gave Uncle Adam the update to that point.

It took a little while to get Miles to the clinic – Aiden and I had to go to Uncle Adam’s van to get the pole stretcher; Uncle Adam and Aunt Deborah had to walk him out to the nearest parking lot – after Miles passed out again from the pain; and then I had to walk and run to the med center because we were a couple of bikes short after Ehlana and Naomi had left their bikes at the clinic.  Josh and I gave up our bikes to Naomi and Ehlana; we took turns pushing Miles’ bent-up bike; and added carrying our backpacks when we picked them up from where we’d set up our ‘day camp’ near the playground and river.

Miles was at the clinic shortly before Josh and I caught up with the rest of our friends; Ehlana and I went into the room they’d picked for Miles; and then we got to have some Magi Healing play time after the room was safely warded and protected.  Ehlana got to partially-fix Miles’ broken collarbone; I did the same with the upper-arm break; and we each took care of mostly-healing one of the two broken wrist bones – a bit of a trick; since we had to make sure that the simple fracture we did leave behind matched up perfectly so that it wouldn’t look strange to Caylee when she did the x-rays.

That didn’t really take that long, which worked out for our friends; since they didn’t have time to get suspicious about why we were gone for very long.  Once we were done with hat; we got our friends to go outside and wait for Miles; gave them the update; and then sat vigil with them until Miles was set free.  Miles’ parents and sister got to the clinic as soon as they could; his father getting there a bit after his Mom and sister because he’d needed to drive in from the Solar-Wind farm he works at; and then it wasn’t all that much longer before Miles was set free.  He was proud of his casts and the rest of his ‘battle’ injuries, but he was also done playing for the day because his mother ordered him home to rest and recover.

Our play day wasn’t over, but the rest of us needed to split up and check in with our parents; and then we got together at our house again.  We decided to hang out in the back yard for the rest of the afternoon; we went swimming a lot to stay cool; and then we only had Naomi and Aiden stay with us for dinner.  We helped with the work for that; went to the park after cleaning up; and then we played and swam some more while Mom and Dad were busy with their co-ed ball practice.  Cassie played with them and took the spot of an AWOL Locust; and had fun playing with them before going on to the Inn to meet up with Michael to hang out with him for a while.  WE came home after that; Naomi and Aiden went home with their parents after getting their bikes from our house; and then Ehlana and I came upstairs to have baths and get ready for bed.  The end of my day has been quiet by comparison; so let’s back up and cover the rest of the news – starting with the play night and camping adventure last night.

I didn’t get to hang out with Ehlana very much after getting to Aiden’s house because she moved on to Caroline’s home after just a short visit.  We set up our tents; Aiden’s Mom had some parental support for an easy-dinner that included hotdogs and hamburgers along with some snack and salads sides; and then we – the guys – went to ‘not-watch’ Ehlana’s ball practice along with some biking and playground fun before heading back to Aiden’s house for the night.  We went swimming; had a campfire; and got ‘raided’ by Cassie, Michael, Rowen, and Tim.  They ‘attacked’ our camp from the river by canoe; ‘stole’ some campfire treats from us in exchange for two scary stories; and then they moved on to raid the girls’ camp next while leaving us behind after allowing us to chase them off.

The rest of our night was a wind down from that; though we did sneak over to the girls’ camp after Aiden’s parents ended our campfire and sent us into our tents; we scared them – or didn’t; and then they chased us off with threats of hugs, kisses, and girl germs.  I got caught by Naomi; and won’t admit to the other guys that I didn’t have a problem with the hug and kiss that only Ehlana saw Naomi share with me while the rest of our friends were busy.  That is not normal for most seven-year-old boys, but then I don’t mind admitting – at least here in my journal – that Naomi’s had me caught from the first moment we met as babies not long after Ehlana and I were born.

Moving along, we stayed up too late playing video games in our tents; I still got up early-enough for Tai Chi by the river; and Aiden and I went over to the girls’ camp to do that with Ehlana and Naomi.  The girls had the idea for a play day at the park and picnic for all of us; we eventually got around to doing that after cleaning up our camps and getting supplies for our picnic; and then the girls opted for a swim at the park while Miles and Josh insisted that the guys go biking first.

I wonder how many more years that’ll be the case before most of my friends begin to appreciate girls in swimsuits more than biking on the trails?

Moving along, the only weird for the trail riding was Miles choosing to try riding one of the most difficult trails that are too-hard for us; he pretended that he actually did that instead of just walking and sliding his way down the trail while dragging his bike along; and it’s funny that he did that; and then got hurt on a trail that we’ve biked dozens or hundreds of times since those trails opened at the park.  We did eventually catch up with the girls again; went for a swim to cool off; played at the playground; and demolished our picnic.  The big bike crash happened soon after we went on that afternoon trail ride with the girls; so that brings the story around to where I started this update; and now I’m done and ready to go get some sleep.

Ethan – out!

We’ve had an eventful day; but let’s try to do this update in order – starting with our play and camping adventures that began after my last update.

I’d say that it’s the boys’ fault that they don’t want to hang out with the girls, but some of my girlfriends are happy not to hang out with the boys in return; so they were happy with a segregated camping night.

We had fun with our campsite setup once I got to Caroline’s house; we had lots of parental help for that – including from her Dad, Uncle, and a few of their buddies for the tent and campfire set-up; and then we went swimming and played until we had an early dinner ahead of our ball practices.  It was hot, so I was glad to just get through our practice; and had fun with the annoyances from the boys when they showed up to razz us, show off on their bikes, and then play at the playground for a while.  There was more swimming when we got back to Caroline’s house; the campfire was great thanks to the music, girl chat time, and the ‘raid’ from Cassie, Michael, Rowen, and Tim.  We traded treats for scary stories; the rest of the girls then chased ‘the boys’ off; Cassie and Rowen went along; and then Naomi and I had to listen to our friends moon over Michael and Tim for a while before we got back to the rest of our campfire.

They boys tried to scare us about a half-hour after our campfire ended while we were in our tents; we chased them off; and only ‘infected’ one of them with girl germs – though I don’t know whether Ethan admitted that to any of the other guys; and he definitely didn’t mind the hug and kiss from Naomi!  We didn’t stay awake for much longer after that; Naomi and I were up early for Tai Chi by the river; and had fun with Ethan and Aiden while doing that – and while the rest of our friends slept and were oblivious to our co-ed exercise time.  We also set up our plans for the rest of the day; split up while having breakfast, breaking down our respective campsites; and then we all split up to get donations for our picnic and play day at the park plans.

We met up at the park; split up again into girls and guys groups for a swim or bike ride; and then had fun together through until after our picnic lunch.  That was when Miles and Caroline insisted on the trail ride challenge – and that ended badly for Miles.  The trail he picked wasn’t particularly-tough, but had some ‘hills’ for jumping bikes over; and Miles didn’t get his nickname from being grounded and cautious.  Air Miles went first; had a pretty good fun with a few nice-looking jumps – for a seven-year-old; and then he happily taunted Caroline; forgot to watch where he was going; and crashed into a tree head-first.

Ethan and I sensed when his lights went out; knew that he was really hurt; and Naomi and I went to get help while Ethan stayed to take care of Miles until help could arrive.  Naomi and I made good time getting to the clinic; Aunt Deborah called Uncle Adam over from the lab; and we all hopped into Uncle Adam’s minivan and headed for the far-west side of the park.  We parked in the parking lot at the bottom of the ridge not far from the river; walked in to where Miles had crashed on the trail; and then Uncle Adam and Aunt Deborah took care of Miles from there while Naomi and I rejoined our friends and helped to get all of them out of the park and over to the med center.  Ethan and Josh gave us their bikes to use because we’d left ours behind; they took care of getting Miles’ bent-up bike back to the clinic too; and then Ethan and I went to help Uncle Adam with Miles’ healing.

We collectively decided on what we could heal without having Miles make any miraculous recoveries; Uncle Adam took care of the head injuries and minor fracture to his cheekbone; I partially healed the broken collarbone and one of the broken wrist bones; and Ethan took care of the broken upper arm and the other broken wrist bone.  Miles wasn’t completely healed, but we did save him from a summer-long recovery and surgery; so a couple or three weeks in air casts and a sling is much better for him.  That didn’t take long; so we had a longer wait with our friends after that while we waited for Miles to get his x-rays, casts, and to have his cuts and scrapes treated too.  He eventually went home with his sister and parents; and we moved on to more play time after splitting up to check in with parents and then gather at our house again.

Staying in the back yard and playing and swimming there ended up being the choice for the time we had left before needing to split up for dinner; and Ethan and I only had Naomi and Aiden with us for that meal – and the park play time while Mom and Dad had their baseball practice.  We went swimming at the park too; watched a bit of the practice; and played at the playground with some of our cousins and friends.  Naomi and Aiden went home after getting their bikes from our house and on the way home with our parents; and Ethan and I were sent upstairs for baths ahead of our bedtime.

It’s taken me a while to wind down since then, so I did a bit of research before getting to this update; and now I’m tired and ready to get some sleep.  This was both a fun and more-exciting day that we could have ever expected this morning; and I can’t help but be fired-up about getting to actually heal someone in a real-life situation.  Ethan and I don’t get to do that much for anything as serious as broken bones; so that really was amazing for us.

I won’t say more, since it would be totally wrong to wish for more chances to do that sort of thing!

That is all of the news for today, though; so it’s time to wrap this up and get to the sleeping part of my day.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!