Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cassie's Journal - June 21, 2017

Tai Chi and a swim in the pool made for a great start to our day – even though Mom and Dad missed out on that fun while not actually doing nothing that we, the kids, don’t want to know about anyway! ;^)

Breakfast with them at the usual diner was nice too; we packed up after walking Dad to the courthouse; and then did a stop for some perishables that we couldn’t get yesterday before picking up fast food for Aunt Leanne and heading home.  That trip felt a bit weird because we were packed into the minivan and Michael sat in the back with Ethan and Aiden while I was up front with Mom and Ehlana and Naomi had the middle seats; but Michael did get to watch the movie while I talked with Mom about everything from work to our plans for the rest of the week.

We were running a bit behind by the time we got home; so Michael and I had to hurry to get to the Inn for the lunch rush; and didn’t get the van entirely unloaded before doing that.  Mom did have junior helpers, though; so they managed – and Miranda was happy to have us at the Inn to help out with the work there.  She had a lot booked for the day too; which is why I ended up working through until I needed to get to my ball practice.  I was tempted to skip it, but have already missed a game; so I went to the practice and had fun with Rowen and our team mates while Michael worked until close.  That was a hot blast of busy, so going for a cool-down swim after that was a popular choice among the girls on our team; Rowen and I joined in for that; we had the twins, Naomi, and Aiden with us for the water fun; and then I headed home with the four kids while Rowen went to spend the evening hanging out with Tim.

Another last-minute change of plans had me setting up two tents for an impromptu camping night and early start to Ethan and Ehlana’s big day tomorrow.  Mom was okay with the plan because it gave her a kid-free night to stay up late and work in the office; but it’s messed up my day more than a bit because I hadn’t gotten around to any of my family business work while I was busy with everything else I’ve been doing today.  It’s what the twins wanted, though; and I had fun with them – even if that has meant staying up late to work once my two junior campers were sleeping.

We didn’t have a campfire, but Michael and I did have some music and scary story fun with the four kids after he joined us once he was finished at the Inn – and after I’d finished all of the work getting the campsite set up and the personal gear rounded up for Ethan, Ehlana, Naomi, and Aiden.  Multi-tasking Silkie’s bedtime walk with the trip for overnight bags helped to get everything done without doing that for half the night; and the play time really was special for all of us – a fact that I’m appreciating more this week after hearing some of the nostalgia at Rebecca’s grad party.  Michael and I have a year left to go; and then we’ll be away from home for most of five years after that.  We’re going to miss out on a lot of the growing up that my brother and sister will do while we’re away; and let’s not even think about the fact that they’ll be tweens by the time I graduate and move home again!

Moving along, we had the music and story fun in ‘our’ tent – the girls’ tent; wrapped that up at midnight; and I had a bit of alone time on one of the benches by the river with Michael once we had the kids tucked in for the night.  Alone was relative, since we did have our junior campers right there next to us, but then we were both tired by then; and I sent Michael off to bed by eleven-thirty because we have a busy day ahead of us starting in a few hours from when I’m writing this right now.

I still needed to get my work done; got to that once I was back in my tent and ready to get busy again.  Those hours of work were great from a business perspective, but very boring to write about – so I won’t do that.  What I need to be doing instead is having my nap before Ehlana and Naomi will have me waking up for Tai Chi by the river.  There isn’t really anything else to add for today’s news – though I am skipping over all of the gossip I heard about while at the Inn today that was mostly about the shopping here at home or in the city – and I did miss out on some great sales around here yesterday.  That would likely bore the male half of the Magi reading this journal in my future anyway, though, and I really do need to get started on my nap instead of rambling on about shoe sales or teen drama; so I’m going to do that while you either flip the digital page and read on or take a break and pick up the story some other time.

That’s a bit weird to think about too, but even Magi Masters can’t read entire books or journals in the archives in one shot; so I’m obviously just mentally drifting off on strange tangents that are just a bit goofy, so I really need to put this computer away and stop the rambling writing before I stop making any sense at all.

Until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!