Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Cassie's Journal - April 16, 2017

Happy Easter, everyone!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Dillon!

Before I get to the news of the day; let’s talk about Easter being one of the strangest holidays we have from a calendar perspective.  It’s the only one we have that varies so much from the earliest it can happen in late March through until late April; so it’s likely felt very strange for Dillon to have his birthday on Easter when in other years it comes weeks before his big day – or after it in other years.  Yes, I know why that is, but when you think about it; you have to wonder why it’s done that way for Easter but not for Christmas.  It isn’t as if December twenty-fifth was picked for the accuracy of Christ’s actual birthday.  The fact that his actual birthday was lost to ‘normal’ history is another issue, but let’s not go there today; and maybe save that up for a future Christmas journal update.

Getting to the news of the day, I was up very early; might have nibbled on a bunny ear or two on my way out to meet up with Michael and get to the church in time for teen praise team warm-ups; and missed out on seeing Ethan and Ehlana waking up and finding out what the Easter Bunny brought for them this year.  I’m not going to write much about the sunrise service, but it was amazing; and Michael and I had several very special musical moments during that hour of celebration.  We didn’t exactly get a glorious sunrise to help emphasize the good news, but it didn’t rain either; so we had a great start to our Easter adventure.  While the music and message was really special; Michael and I had a lot of fun with our friends while cooking and serving the pancake breakfast to everyone in the congregation in two sittings.  We couldn’t work the entire time, since we had to get ready for an encore song during the regular service and helping out with the praise music entertainment in the sanctuary between services; but we did put in as much time as we could – and we were two of the teen experts when it came to the cooking, serving, and clean-up thanks to the years of experience at the Inn.

Pastor John picked our ‘encore’ duet for the regular service; and doing that again with Michael was just as special as it had been at the sunrise service.  I really don’t want to brag about that, since it is all about the music and message; but need to mention now and then just how wonderful it is to share that gift with Michael – and that we get to share our talent with the people we love most.  The second service was nearly an hour and a half long, and while it was wonderful too, I was actually getting tired by then after spending close to seven hours at the church by the time we were on our way home again.

A nap might have been nice, but it wasn’t an option.  Instead of napping, Michael and I split our time between his family and mine.  We had a picnic lunch for family and friends at my house; a play afternoon split between our families and with quite a few of our friends for at least some cameo moments; and then we had dinner with the Bassett clan while Jacob got most of the day off except for contributing a couple of the dinner dishes.  There was a lot of work that went into those meals, so Michael and I helped out with a lot of the cooking and cleaning too, but we also managed to have a lot of fun along the way too – including some biking at the park and a short canoe ride.

I came home after dinner, and since it’s a work and school night; the parents weren’t going to party all night anyway.  Dad had to get a lot of work done today ahead of his week in the city; so I spent the rest of the evening working in the office so that I could help him out by using a time phase for my own work and studying.  Mom, Ethan, and Ehlana took advantage of that, and while I can’t say anything about chocolate intake today; the twins needed to burn off some extra energy tonight while they studied too.  Our family lunch had been done then so that Dad wouldn’t have to take extra time off for a big family dinner, but we really kicked the work up into high gear once I was there; and we were all ready to call it a night by the time I was done my must-do work at a bit after ten o’clock.

We all came up to our rooms then, but I needed some tub time without any multi-tasking; which is why I’m writing this now instead of while I was soaking in the Jacuzzi.  That took longer, and I’ll have a bit less sleep because of it; but I feel better and will sleep better now too.  I need to get up early to see Dad off on his trip; so I’ll need all of the rest I can get between now and then.  That is all of the news I have for today, since I haven’t gotten any holiday weekend updates from around the family, but if anything comes up; I’ll keep you posted on that with the next report.  For now, I just need to get into nap mode; so, until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!