Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cassie's Journal - August 1, 2015

Congratulations, Jake and Stephanie!

This has been a best-ever wedding day for them, I’m sure, and I’d really love to be able to say it’s the same for me; except I have some other family weddings that will be staying top-three-so-far for me for quite a while yet – at least until my own wedding some day!

Before I get to the news from today, which is basically yesterday now as I write this; let’s back up and do the full, two-day wedding report.

Dawn on Friday morning was beautiful, and while I could say that about my cousin too; I’m referring to the sunrise – and our Tai Chi by the river workout – along with a fairly spectacular good morning kiss that I shared with Michael before we started our warm-ups.  Michael and I both really needed that bit of exercise and calm before getting started on our very hectic day.  For me, that meant hitting the shower and getting ready for the day; heading to the Inn; and having breakfast with Stephanie, the rest of the girls in the bridal party; and a handful of other girls and women – most of them on the church decorating crew.

That first meal of the day was fairly quick, and then we were off and running to the church.  The amount of decorating that goes on for weddings depends a lot on the expected number of guests.  When two of the most well-known families in town are involved; a full house in the sanctuary was expected – especially when everyone in the area knows both sets of the parents very well through the Inn and furniture store.  I mention that because it also means more decorating compared to smaller weddings when only a section of the sanctuary would be decorated.  It’s a good thing that we had a lot of help; or we’d have been doing that all day – and we only had two hours booked into our schedule to get that job finished.  We did have lots of fun doing that work, though, though it was also fairly warm in the sanctuary; and the construction work going on for the addition was loud and distracting.

Since our decorating volunteers were mostly Stephanie’s friends, I should mention that some of those construction workers were more distracted by a group of beautiful, college-age girls anytime we were outside – especially since it was hot out; and we were all wearing shorts and tees.  I’m not going to suggest that Rebecca and I didn’t get noticed by the guys too, and there are some teens on the construction crew there, but this is a small town; so the younger guys know we’re not available and the older guys know that we’re too young to ogle or flirt with.  A few of the guys definitely flirted with Stephanie; there were two marriage proposals that she cheerfully declined; and I suspect that there was more than one guy in that crew wishing they were Jake – or at least that they could be the groom at the wedding tomorrow; since I seriously doubt that any of them could picture themselves as future chefs working at the Inn for the rest of their lives.

When we finished up at the church, Rebecca and I moved on to the Inn; and our next job of the day was getting the rooms ready for the weekend wedding guests that were staying there.  That didn’t involve cleaning or bedding changes – our job was to set the rooms up with the special gifts and decorations that Stephanie and Jake had wanted for those special guests.  All of the rooms at the Inn were being used for wedding guests; so that kept us busy until we met up with another gang in the dining room for a lunch meeting.  Rebecca and I were on the edge of the action for that, since there wasn’t enough room at Stephanie’s table for all of us to be involved in the last check-off of the schedule through until the end of the night on Saturday.  We were in the loop enough to get our own schedules; though we’d already known our jobs anyway; and there weren’t any changes for us.

I should mention here that Michael spent most of the morning helping out at the Inn, but he was set free after lunch; and we were in charge of welcoming his incoming family at home.  Rebecca and Lucas had a similar job, but they were at their Uncle Bill and Aunt Sylvia’s house; and had two jobs.  They helped with getting the place ready for the rehearsal party that the Bassetts were collectively hosting because Jacob and Miranda were just too busy with the Inn and the wedding to do that too; and they were also the welcoming committee for some inbound cousins on that side of the family that were staying with the Bassetts too.

That’s something that I haven’t really thought about much, since most of the members of the Bassett family have stayed here or in the area, but not all of them; and Miranda and her brothers have a fairly large number of relatives in their extended family – even if they don’t always see them very often.  When you think about that, so do I; but names and family trees in the archives are not at all the same as having dozens of aunts, uncles, and cousins that you’ve known all of your life.

Michael’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins began arriving shortly before two o’clock.  They didn’t all drive together, but his grandparents didn’t drive at all; and instead got a ride with his aunt and uncle.  They were first; his younger cousin, Eric, and his family were second an hour later; and his older cousin, Drew, and his family rolled in at a bit after four o’clock.  Drew was the latest to leave home because he went into work this morning for a while before hitting the road.  I don’t really want to comment on that or anything else about the travel plans for the Stone side of Michael’s family; but then this is my journal and they’ll never read it anyway.

My apologies in advance, Miranda, Michael, and anyone else in your family who will read this some day!

First up, I seriously do not get why Jake’s grandparents did not agree to come here early – especially since they were invited to the family and wedding party dinner last night that all of the other living grandparents attended – including Grandma Eleanor.  I’m commenting on this from the perspective of watching the family interaction for the past two days, and to be blunt about it; Grandma Eleanor is more of a grandmother to both Stephanie and Jake than Grandma and Grandpa Stone are to Jake, Rebecca, and Michael.  I’ll caveat that with the point that I don’t know what they were like with their only son’s children before moving away or before I moved here; but it makes me more than a little sad that they are now so distant from their ‘home town’ grandchildren – especially when that’s obviously not the case with their Bishop family grandkids and great-grandkids.

My perspective on this is admittedly one-sided, but it’s also coming from the point of view of a kid that only had one family member for the first nine years of her life, and now that I do have a family; I can’t imagine choosing to have so little contact with the people you love – particularly when that doesn’t appear to have happened through conflict or disagreements.  Michael’s grandparents have just chosen to leave their home town family and friends behind in retirement and move on.

Before I move on from this little side-trip mini-rant, I’ll also mention that some of us needed to keep our mouths shut and say nothing about quite a few comments that Michael’s aunt, uncle, and adult cousins tossed at us that were not intentionally cruel; but that were quite derisive of our home and lives here.  Contrary to what is likely the majority belief among humans in general; real wealth and value is not measured in dollars, power, or superficial accolades.  I’m positive that Michael’s visiting family would openly scoff at my supposed naive innocence; but then they don’t know that my view is from a fairly unique perspective.  As I think about that; I’m very glad that none of Michael’s Stone family cousins – at least so far – have inherited any Magi talent.

Now that thought has me musing about Stephanie’s side of the family; but let’s save that for a bit later in this report and move along with the actual news and action from Friday.

Michael and I were kept busy welcoming his family; hauling luggage up to the guest rooms on the second and third floors; and hosting duties through until it was time to head over to the Inn for dinner.  Porter and server duties were part of the job; but we also got to entertain two-year old Gerry; and I helped out a bit with nine-month old Annette.  Both kids had slept during the trip; and Gerry was particularly fired up – and in need of some back yard play time that his father, uncle, and Michael helped him out with around the work and social time.

We had as much fun as we could, and Gerry and Annette are both adorable kids; but I’ll also admit that those few hours of hosting were tough because of some of those comments I’ve already mentioned from Michael’s aunt, uncle, and cousins.  His Aunt Anne and older cousin, Drew, were toughest for me to keep playing nice with.  They’re both still decent people, so it’s just their attitude toward my home town; everyone here including their own family; and apparent inability to understand how anyone could possibly be happy without what they perceive to be the necessities of life.

Too bad I can’t tell them that ‘Aunt Miranda’ manages a multi-billion dollar portfolio of restaurant and hotel investments in addition to her work at the family Inn! ;^)

I’m sorry and love you a lot Miranda, but when you do read this in the future; don’t try to tell me that you haven’t at least occasionally wished that you could say something about your ‘part-time job’ to your sister-in-law and nephews too.  They’re all very smart, yet it’s almost as if they have blinders on when they visit.

That’s not something I’m even joking about; and I can back that up with just one example.  They’ve heard all about the expansion to the Inn that Jacob and Miranda will be starting in September once they take over ownership of the Haberdashery building.  For a bunch of business professionals, it amazes me that they don’t seem to notice how expensive that kind of remodel and expansion will be – even in a small town like ours.  Michael’s grandparents didn’t say anything about the cost of it around me, and they did own the place, so they should have a pretty good idea; but maybe they just think that Jacob and Miranda are taking on big debts to make it happen.  Let’s not cover every comment I overheard about the Inn and the expansion project.  The main points, though, were the unspoken group opinion that the plan was a waste of money and probably a financial sink-hole that had little-to-no chance of success.

Okay, that’s enough of that.  Let’s move this along.

Dinner at the Inn was for Jake and Stephanie’s visiting family, parents, grandparents, and members of the wedding party – not including Jacob and Miranda because they were busy running the Inn; and doing that without the help of any of their kids for the rest of the day.  That meant that Michael, Rebecca, Lucas, and I needed to continue our hosting duties.  That was a bit easier for Michael and I because we were put on kid control duty – and also had some teen visitors to entertain.  That included two of Stephanie’s Wingborough cousins; though we only had her youngest Wingborough cousin, Adaira, sit with us during dinner while the boys, Jarod and Garrett, were either with Stephanie’s parents and grandparents – or hung out with other guys their own ages.

Adaira is a year younger than Michael and me – or at least she just turned fourteen and is a year behind us in school.  Other than liking Michael a bit too much, which I can’t fault her for at all, we both liked her a lot; and had fun together tonight whenever we had time to hang out together.  I also hooked her up for some hang-out time with Dawn and Jillian after dinner when she had some free time while we were busy with the wedding rehearsal at the church.  They apparently had fun doing a little boy watching and flirting at the park, and unlike Michael’s visiting cousins; Adaira apparently sees a lot that she likes about her family home town.  Michael and I didn’t get to know him as well so far this weekend, but I’d say that Adaira’s oldest brother, Jarod, doesn’t share that sentiment; and her second brother, Garrett, definitely does.  He spent a lot of time with Grandpa Grant and Stuart; and even came to the rehearsal at the church so that he could continue to hang out with his uncle while the grandparents were kept busy with a little social time at the Bassetts’ house.

I’ve skipped some of the details for the dinner, but then Michael and I were out of the loop for the main action and conversations anyway while we were busy with the kids and teens.  The rehearsal at the church was at seven; we were all there with five minutes to spare; and Pastor John, Stacey, and his parents were all there to lead us through the ceremony – starting with a short meeting before we began the ‘practice’ with the bridal party processional.

The highlights of the rehearsal, for me, were that processional; Jake’s antics during the ‘ceremony’; and seeing the joy on the faces of Jake, Stephanie, and their parents.  That’s going to be even better tomorrow, and while Jake is a very confident and outgoing personality; I’m really looking forward to having a front-row seat when he first sees Stephanie in her wedding dress.  That’ll be a moment when having a photographic memory is a blessing for sure!

While we didn’t actually get to spend much time together during that practice, Michael and I still had fun while on opposite sides of the wedding party.  Getting to be part of the ceremony together is a first for us, and since our first date was at a wedding; I think that weddings will be just a bit extra-special for us every time.  The most important part of the ceremony practice that we did get to share was the recessional, though in hindsight as I write this after the wedding; it was just a shadow compared to the actual ceremony when we were dressed up in tux and gown and looking our very best.

The rehearsal almost felt like a break by comparison when we got to the Bassett’s house and were immediately immersed into the crazy action going on there.  It was past-eight by then; the meet and greet we were thrown into took nearly an hour; and then we sat down for the rehearsal dinner that was the fourth meal of the day for some of us.  The dining room, kitchen, and a handful of tables out on the back porch were needed to seat everyone that had been invited, and while Michael and I were technically not on the work crew; we helped his Aunt Sylvia as much as we could between other responsibilities before and after the meal.  The one thing we couldn’t help with was kid control; but the other teens at the party all pitched in to deal with that – along with some parental support.  Most of the kids were outside for dinner; and that was mostly so that they could run around in the back yard and play – some of them doing that in between stops for food and drinks.

We only did a bit of roasting for Jake and Stephanie while we ate.  It was the mini speeches that were the entertainment highlights; and that was especially true for Jake’s and Stephanie’s thank-you speeches.  They handed out the wedding party, parent, and honorarium gifts after dinner too, and while I won’t make a big deal of that; we – the girls – loved the matching bracelet and earrings sets that Stephanie gave us to wear at the wedding; and the boys liked their monogrammed tie clip, money clip, and keychain sets.  One thing that I thought was cool with those was that instead of putting the initials for each guy on those sets; Jake and Stephanie went with ‘J&S’ instead.  As Mitch pointed out; the guys will at least be able to remember which wedding those gifts were for when they’re old and forgetful.

It was past-eleven by the time the dinner and gift-giving was finished; which left Jake and Stephanie with less than an hour to socialize with the rest of their guests before we needed to take Stephanie home at midnight.  While they did that, Michael and I helped with some of the clean-up and only did a bit of visiting with his family.  We didn’t even get to have as much time as Jake and Stephanie did for our goodnight hugs and kisses because Violet and Dillon herded them into the office for five minutes of alone time before we left with a minute or so to spare.  My hug and kiss with Michael was out on the front porch while we waited for them – and we weren’t alone for that either.

We had car rides over to Stephanie’s house; though it had been nice enough to walk.  Stuart and Samantha had another little midnight snack set up for us; we talked with them for a half hour or so; and then it was time to head upstairs for the required bridal party girl chat time while we also took turns getting ready for bed.  Rebecca and I were less involved in that chat time than the older girls were; but that was mostly because Stephanie had fun talking wedding nights and honeymoons with Violet and Lynn.  They had fun with that, but it was a bit too much information for Rebecca about her older brother; and as I’ve mentioned before; we were talking about my little girl crush – even though I was mostly joking with Stephanie about that being a problem for me.  For her part, Stephanie teased me right back about how glad she is that I wasn’t five or six years older than I was when Mom and I moved here – or she might have ended up losing her about-to-be husband to me the way that the girls that liked Michael had lost him to me.

That’s a very interesting ‘what-if’ scenario, but when I actually play that one out; what I actually see is me eventually just waiting for Michael to catch up with me – and then getting teased about that the same way that Abby still does for her choice of a younger husband.

I am also picturing Michael grinning as he reads that some day in the future.  Miranda will laugh at it; and be happy that it worked out that she got to have both Stephanie and me for daughter-in-laws.

Oops – did I write that last bit out loud? ;^)

Moving along, I guess that covers everything for Friday; so let’s continue with the wedding day highlights!

My morning fun began with Tai Chi for one in the back yard.  That was a nice start to the day, but my favorite pre-breakfast moment was a private couple of minutes with Stephanie and Violet while I was doing their wake-up call.  They were both exhausted; so I gave Stephanie a little wedding gift that she assured me she’s really going to appreciate a lot once she has Jake to herself – which she does right now as I’m writing this.  Yes, despite having a house full of people, I put up wards around the three of us; had a fun little Healing session that banished all fatigue and then some.  I’d guess that Stephanie could stay awake and at full power for two or three days if she wanted to do that.

Let’s totally skip the jokes that Stephanie and Violet exchanged about how Jake was going to keep, um, up with Stephanie; since I’m sure you can guess all of them anyway.  Violet had way too much fun with that, but the funniest part of the scene for me was that she didn’t even consider that same issue for herself with Dillon; as if I hadn’t healed her too.

She’s likely thinking about it now – and doing something about it; but I digress.

Getting ready for the day and having a snack breakfast kept us hopping after that; though Stephanie and Violet had more time to do that than some of us.  Rebecca and I were two groups ahead of them for our appointments with Vicky, Liz, and the friends they’d invited to town to help out with the extra work this weekend.  That, by the way, is why Liz and Philip didn’t take a full week off for their anniversary trip.  She needed to be here both weekends for weddings; though they hadn’t needed extra stylists last weekend for the smaller wedding.

Vicky’s salon was a beehive of activity all morning, and while I am getting older; the graphic nature for some of the girl chat there can still be too much information for me.  What I do love every time, though, is what Liz does with my hair.  She went all-out today; and I have the mental pictures now of Michael’s reaction to seeing me at the wedding and being with me during the rest of the day to prove just how talented Liz is at her job.  As she still says, Vicky may continue to be the Master; but Liz is just as much of an artist as her mentor and friend is.

Compared to the guys, we – the girls – have it pretty good on wedding mornings.  It’s all about pampering and getting ourselves appropriately beautiful while the guys have actual work to do that’s meant to keep them from having time to reconsider – or run off.  I know that Jake took some teasing about that from some of the guys, but if any of them actually weren’t joking then they need their heads examined.  Jake is a very lucky man; and he and Stephanie are definitely a perfect match.

Rebecca and I were at the salon for an hour; we were back at Stephanie’s house before she and Violet left; and then we had more time than we needed to do the little get-beautiful jobs – like doing our nails and makeup.  We helped Samantha with getting lunch out on the table and ready to go by the time Stephanie and Violet returned; Stuart was the only one to eat more than a snack for that meal; and then the push was on to finish getting ready and into our gowns – or suit in his case.

We were all ready by ten-to-two; went out into the back yard for bridal party pictures; and then it was time to head over to the church.  The limo ride was shorter than the time needed to get in and out of it.  Pastor Martha met us at the church entrance; and we had time for a short chat and prayer with her before it was time to finally get the show on the road.  We lined up; Pastor Martha checked to see if they were ready for us; and then I had the best view in the house as the doors opened and I got to be the lead-off bridesmaid.

I love Jake too, but my first eye contact was with Michael; and I’ll never forget that moment.  His eyes went wide; his smile was sweet; and then he was dazed when my own smile went from bright to brilliant at seeing his first reaction to me.  Jake was next to get my attention; and I had to wait for him to look at me because he’d turned his head to grin at Michael and quietly say something to him that had Michael’s smile brightening too in response.  Jake proceeded to wink at me while still grinning; but then his attention moved on to Rebecca; since she was following me.  Writing about everything that I saw and heard would take reams of digital ink, so I won’t do that; but will point out that seeing Rebecca had a devastating impact on Lucas – and her brothers were fairly blown away too.  Sometimes I think that they forget that Rebecca is quite possibly the most beautiful teen girl in town – a perfect mix of their parents.

While I could take in that entire scene with every minute detail; seeing Lucas’ reaction to Rebecca required a mental replay once I’d consciously located him in the crowd.  As expected, the sanctuary was packed and beyond that to standing-room only for a couple of dozen guests.  Some of my highlights for the processional included exchanging smiles and unspoken words with my parents, Ethan, and Ehlana; other members of my family; and some of our friends.  That didn’t seem to take very long, and once I was at the front of the sanctuary and standing on the low platform there; it was watching Rebecca, Lynn, Violet, and Stephanie as they joined me – and the guys.

I shouldn’t skip seeing Jake’s first reaction to Stephanie!  While my favorite groom-sees-the-bride memories are still of my Dad and Uncle Adam respectively at their weddings; Jake’s reaction was actually different than I expected.  Yes, he was blown away and Stephanie would have had no doubt about how he felt about her; but he managed not to lose his cool or sense of fun and playfulness.

There are only two other things I’m going to add to that with no details.  It’s a good thing that nearly everyone in the sanctuary was busy watching the bride; and I can read lips, Jake.

Quit laughing, Stephanie.  After that, I’m actually at least a little bit glad that the in-person girl chat for your wedding night and honeymoon will have to wait until you get back from Europe next May.  Maybe being a year older then will make a difference.  I doubt it; but we’ll see.

Getting back to the story again, I’m so used to spending time with Stephanie when she’s at the Inn that it almost seemed strange to see her father walking her down the aisle instead of Jacob.  I know that sounds weird; but it is how I felt.  Stuart was the epitome of the proud father; a little misty-eyed when he ‘gave her away’ to Jake; and happy to hold his own beautiful bride as Samantha cried happy tears for their daughter.

The wedding ceremony was the standard, traditional version used most of the time in our church; so I won’t give you every detail of that – particularly since a video of the ceremony will be available in the archive by the time you read this someday anyway.  Pastor John led the ceremony, but his parents each helped out.  Jake’s vows sounded made-up, but I’m sure that he wrote them that way; and Stephanie’s had quite a few of the women in the sanctuary tearing up because of her heart-felt joy and promises of love and happiness.  It’s funny, but the bridesmaids and groomsmen actually have nothing at all to do during the ceremony.  Even Violet and Dillon only had one job – handing over the rings to their best friends.  I’m not suggesting that I was bored or anything; but it was a different perspective.

While I loved every moment of the ceremony, Jake and Stephanie’s first kiss as a married couple was especially fun – and Jake had no problem with taking that kiss well-into the giggles, whistles, and laughs stage that most couples try to avoid.  Pastor John didn’t have to intervene and pry them apart or anything; but Pastor Martha did quietly clear her throat – even as she grinned at them too – and possibly wished that she could have added a whistle or two of her own instead.

Miranda didn’t have a problem with that; neither did Aunt Leanne; and they were just two of many to enthusiastically cheer Jake and Stephanie on in their efforts for a remember-forever first kiss.

As always, the ceremony seemed to be over sooner than it should be after so much planning and work; and then we went to deal with the paperwork before getting started on the recessional.  Leading the way for the bridesmaids had been wonderful, but walking back down the aisle with Michael had been all that and then some.  Jake and Stephanie were the focus of attention for everyone as they passed –as it should be; but Michael and I attracted a lot of attention too – and certainly more than Violet and Dillon, Mitch and Lynn, or Josiah and Rebecca had.  Michael and I know that we’re a match, but it’s still fairly amazing to see that belief confirmed by our family and friends now and then.

While the recessional didn’t take long, we stood outside of the church and had a mini-reception line for everyone that wanted to congratulate Jake and Stephanie; but wouldn’t be at the reception.  Extra time was allowed for that before moving on to the wedding photo shoot because Jake and Stephanie would be gone for so long while in Europe; and we went over on time even with that allowance.  It was five o’clock by the time we went to the park and started the photos, and while we did our best to make up time there; it was still six-thirty by the time we got to the Inn.  The reception line there was to have already been started by then, but we still delayed it and changed things up a bit so that we – everyone in the wedding party – could take a half hour to freshen up after nearly three hours outdoors on a fairly hot afternoon.  We had four of the guest rooms to use while doing that, and Rebecca, Christina, Lynn, and I used one of the rooms while Stephanie had help from Violet and her mother in the other ‘girls’ room.  We all met up in that room for a quick chat and drinks before heading downstairs again; and the change in the reception line that Miranda went with was that we instead did a mini parade through the dining hall on our way to the head table that felt more like a conga line or line dance.

This next part of the update is going to be a bit disjointed, but it’s also past-time that I add in some details that I wasn’t directly involved in; but were very important for the wedding.

First up for that is all about Jacob and Miranda.  While their kids were busy with the fun parts of the wedding; they were trying to enjoy as much of that fun as possible while also working their butts off both on Friday and all day today.  Jacob had a hand in every dish being served for dinner; the prep work started for that on Friday; and he was at the Inn this morning by five o’clock and worked in the kitchen pretty much every minute that he could except for taking time to get ready for the ceremony and being there for the wedding.  He and Miranda both juggled work at the Inn with the wedding photos and other responsibilities – including taking care of their weekend guests with some help from Miranda’s side of the family and some friends.  They managed to serve breakfast and lunch at the Inn too before it was closed to the public at one-thirty or two; and then the dining room still needed to be set up and decorated after that.  Everyone that works at the Inn was at the church; so that should give you an idea of just how much work needed to get done on either side of the ceremony in just a few hours.

My point with all of that is to acknowledge that Jacob and Miranda went way above and beyond the call to make this such a perfect day for their kids – and we couldn’t do nearly as much as we would have liked to do to help them.  Thankfully, others did pitch in – including a lot of volunteers.

The earlier delays meant starting dinner at closer to eight than the seven o’clock or so scheduled; but we did make up some time there thanks to Dillon.  As best man and master of ceremonies; he did a great job compressing the non-meal activities – and most of the speeches were shortened at least a bit too.  Nothing important was skipped, though; so all of that really just meant that there were no lulls in the fun and excitement.

Jake and Stephanie did a non-traditional head table so that Josiah and Rebecca could sit with their dates; and we sat at the table in couples too instead of split up with the guys on one side of the newlyweds and the girls on the other.  Michael and I were on Jake’s side of the table; and we anchored that end while Rebecca and Lucas ended up at the other end of the head table.  I’m really glad that we did that; and I’m not just saying that because it made the public kisses easier when we were called to duty!

That didn’t actually happen that often for the bridesmaids and groomsmen; thanks to the higher entertainment value that came from the rounds of parents and grandparents kisses.

I can totally see Jake and Stephanie being like Grandpa Grant and Grandma Eleanor a half-century or so from now!

As you probably expect, the dinner was a culinary masterpiece.  Jacob went all-out, and beyond that; there were gourmet specials and favorites for Jake and Stephanie in addition to the unbelievable meal he created for everyone else.

Just in case I haven’t mentioned it lately, I’m not with Michael because of the food; but it is definitely an added bonus! ;^)

The meal, entertainment, and dinner conversation was all amazing and fun.  While the food was the highlight of that next couple of hours, the speeches, a video montage, and some roasting of the newlyweds all helped to make for a perfect evening for everyone.  We weren’t having a dance after dinner, but there was music, and once the entertainment part of the evening was finished; our guests had time to socialize and wind down from dinner while Jake and Stephanie eventually made their way out of the dining room and went to get changed into their going away outfits.

At this point, I’m starting to skip over all of the little details; but Michael and I actually had time for some visiting then until we needed to get back to our wedding party duties when Jake and Stephanie were ready to go around and deliver their gifts while thanking all of their guests and having micro-visits with them.  That didn’t get started until around midnight; Michael and I were kept busy hauling those gift baskets into the dining room and keeping Violet and Dillon supplied with them as they went around the room with Jake and Stephanie; and we joined in for some of those chats when we could do that too.

Jake and Stephanie were ready to leave by one-thirty.  That was later than planned, but they also have more time available to them on Sunday before the first stage of their flights to Europe; so it won’t be a problem for them – and Stephanie was still wide-awake and at full power when they hopped into the limo and headed out of town.

You’re welcome, Stephanie! ;^)

The final goodbyes with them outside were just with the wedding party and parents.  Their driver was good about it, but wanted to get going; so we didn’t drag that out – even though we won’t see them for nearly ten months.  Miranda and Samantha had the toughest time with that; though they both joked about it more than anyone else too.  We all know that Jake and Stephanie will miss us too, but as far as the parting tonight goes; let’s be honest and admit that they were way more interested in getting started on their honeymoon than worried over being away from home for ten months.

I don’t need the details, but do hope that their wedding night and honeymoon is all that they want it to be and then some, but while they were getting to that; our night here was far from over.  We went back into the Inn; spent an hour seeing our guests on their way; and then Michael and I rolled up our sleeves and pitched in to clean up from the party; get the dining room ready for another private family and friends meal that was essentially an extra buffet sitting; and we also did some prep work for that meal.

Miranda and Jacob had some volunteer help for that, but they didn’t have many employees that could stay that late after working all evening – or even all day for some of them; so it took us a while to get all of that done.  Michael, Rebecca, Lucas, and I sent them home at three-thirty too; and it’s saying a lot about how tired they were by then to let us do that and trust that we’d make sure everything was set up properly before we came home too.  We did that, but didn’t get home until five o’clock – to Michael’s house.

Rebecca and Lucas went straight up to bed with Lucas bunking with Michael again while the guest rooms were being used by their weekend guests.  Michael and I cuddled on the sofa for a while before I was ready to head home; but we really only stayed there long enough for Rebecca and Lucas to take turns using the washroom and doing their won goodnight hugs and kisses before Michael headed up to bed after seeing me on my way by five-thirty.

At that, you’re probably wondering why I’m writing this instead of napping.  The answer is that I’m doing a self-healing instead; I’ll skip the nap; and by the time I’m finished with this report; it’ll be time for sunrise Tai Chi with anyone alive enough to join me for it out by the river.

I say that because Mom and Dad were at the reception too and were among the last guests to leave; and I don’t know how late Ethan and Ehlana stayed up tonight either.  While I’m on that thought, one of the things I missed while busy with the wedding today was the babysitting service that Dawn and Jillian led at our house.  They had other help too; but made quite a bit of money for the work; and were in babysitting mode pretty much all of the time between the end of the wedding ceremony until Mom and Dad got home again after the reception.

Okay, it isn’t Quarry Lake, campfire, and camping adventure fun for their last day of holidays here with us; but they’ve still had fun today – and did get to attend the wedding; even if they weren’t at the Inn tonight.

I don’t want to think about it right now, but Dawn and Jillian will be heading home this afternoon with Violet and Dillon.  That isn’t going to be a round-trip blast for Violet and Dillon because they’re going to stay in Woodvale for two or three days for a visit – and to rest up after being so busy over the past couple of weeks.  They won’t be leaving until sometime after that private lunch at the Inn; but I don’t know whether I’ll get to spend much time with Dawn and Jillian or not because I also have a breakfast at Michael’s house; and then Jacob and Miranda are going to need all the help they can get at the Inn for the buffets.

It’s a good thing that I’m nearly done with the self-healing or I’d need a nap just from thinking about all of that.

Then again, the sun’s coming up now and it’s time to get dressed for Tai Chi; so I’m out of time for this report anyway.  I’ve skipped a lot, but I guess this’ll have to do; so, until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!