Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cassie's Journal - May 27, 2014

This has been a fairly great day around Witch Falls, and while almost all of that happened without my personal involvement; that didn’t keep me from enjoying the action from the sidelines.  Before I get to all of that, though; let’s start with what I did have going on today.

It seemed very quiet around the house this morning without a house full of guests, and Violet stayed at Dillon’s last night too.  Tai Chi by the river was a nice way to start the day, and though I haven’t mentioned it in a while; Michael, Ethan, and Ehlana are continuing to learn new postures and forms all of the time; and can get away with doing more difficult forms in public now that the twins are closing in on three – and after exercising indoors all winter and a lot of the spring.  Ethan and Ehlana will need to wait at least a few more years before doing the most difficult forms in public; but Michael can do more now and that won’t be too obvious to most people after exercising with us for a year now.

Michael was back to morning weight training too; though this will be the last week of that for the school year because even Kyle needs to focus on exams next week.  While using the weight room will be out for the summer, Tim has his own bench and weights; and Michael has advised me that Tim is going to make them both continue regular workouts all summer – even if that won’t necessarily be five days a week.  I’m sure that Rowen and I will be able to convince our boys that there are alternate exercise options – like biking, canoeing, swimming, and watching girlfriends in swimsuits. ;^)

With four school days left before final exams and tests next week; it was all-review all day in our classes.  There are some teens still dealing with projects that are already late, including a few of our classmates; but that’s just going to make it harder for them this week.  Tim might have been one of the teens in that group – he certainly has been before; but that was just one more little bonus for him that came along with dating Rowen.  He’s not quite there yet, but he might be in real danger of being a straight-A student next hear.  Now that’ll shock his parents in a good way!

Getting ready for exams didn’t keep the guys from taking advantage of the nice weather to play football at lunchtime; but it did mean no slacking off after school.  There are no band practices for the next two weeks while we get ready for and then write our exams; so we were able to start studying right after school.  While we only had three extra study buddies join us last week; we had nine extra classmates with us at my house today.  Mom, Ethan, and Ehlana were at the lab for most of the time we were studying, and though it was a little bit crowded there; we worked in my lounge instead of at the dining room table.  Since we really had a blast even while trying to get some work done too; I’ll guess that we’ll have an even bigger group tomorrow – if for no other reason than that we have really good snacks and drinks at my house.

Michael, Rowen, and I were kept busy helping our friends with everything from lending them our better study notes to working on the review assignments and practice tests that Uncle Nick – Mr. Ayres – and the rest of our teachers gave us to do.  Tim is doing a lot better at school, but I’m not sure if he’ll ever feel particularly confident with tutoring other people – unless it is related to football.  He might have been a straight-A student all along if our teachers only taught every single subject with some kind of football connection!

“If it’s third and sixteen on your team’s forty-three yard line, and you catch a lateral pass seven yards behind the line of scrimmage; a) How far do you need to run for a first down?; b) Where would the new line of scrimmage be?; and c) Could you make it if Kyle Landry was between you and the first down marker?”

I know, that wasn’t all that funny, but it’s after three o’clock; and my funny bone fell asleep a couple of hours ago.

Okay, so the study time was fun, and we each one of our friends stayed as long as they could before either getting picked up by parents if they’d skipped taking the bus to work with us instead; or they walked home.  Rowen and Tim were the last to leave; and Michael stayed to have dinner with us before heading home when it was time for our family business and future plans meeting.

The top news story there was everything going on at the lab today.  Mom, Owen, and Andrew Jennings started working on installing the computer systems; Dillon will be working on setting up the labs and greenhouse with Uncle Adam and a mix of construction workers and lab employees; and Violet is technically working for Mom, but will spend as much time with Aunt Grace as the main floor offices are completed, furnished, and decorated.  While I’m thinking about that, I wanted to mention that this phase of the lab project is very good for local businesses; since Aunt Grace is buying as much locally as possible.  That will make for a really good business year for everyone – especially for ValleyView furniture, the Fix-it Shop, Emporium, hardware store, and Emerson Computers.

I won’t get into the specifics of the work going on every day at the lab, since that’s all being documented in the archive for the lab that Uncle Adam is keeping track of; but there are a few things that I want to write about related to the work they’ve started today – and related reports and plans from our meeting tonight.  Let’s start with the archives.  Mom will be doing most of the computer system installations on the basement levels for both the first basement level lab and the bottom two floors that the archives will be on.  The security systems for the building are already installed an operational; though some of the levels haven’t been made operational yet so that workers can still get pretty much anywhere in the building with just a very few restrictions.

It is going to take years to bring all of the archives from around the world home; but that effort is kicking up several notches this year.  Grandpa Grant and Grandma Eleanor are coordinating and leading that effort; and the shipments will be coming in much more frequently now as the teams working on that are able to carefully pack up and ship the often-fragile and one-of-a-kind books and scrolls.  The timeline to have everything here is four years – so basically by the time I’m finished high school; we should have the entire Magi archive here at home where it belongs.  That may seem like a long time just to ship a bunch of books, but the only way we could do that faster would be to have people doing that full-time year-round.  Even with the way we’re doing it, Grandpa Grant and Grandma Eleanor will be travelling for a third or more of every year – and that doesn’t include the work that’ll need to be done at this end as the books arrive.

Ethan will actually be leading that part of the job; though we’ll need to be very careful with that for the next few months with so many people working there.  He is going to be the archivist, though; so don’t let the fact that he’s only three – almost – affect your perception of his ability to do that.  He and Ehlana are, after all, about to finish their freshman year of college.  If you think that his work with the archives is impressive; just wait until you find out about what Ehlana’s going to do with her research at the lab!

I guess that’s actually next, and though Ehlana couldn’t pitch in to help with the lab setup; she did have some suggestions at the meeting tonight for things she’d like to have added or changed after getting to do a tour of the building today.  Ehlana really wants to hit the ground running with the lab in September; and there are things that she wants to have done this summer so that she and Uncle Adam can take at least some of the ideas that they’ve mostly only been able to talk about so far and hit the ground running with them in September.

While Andrew doesn’t know it yet, his work this summer is going to be perfect training for the job we have in mind for him after he graduates.  It’s hard to believe that isn’t really all that far away – Andrew and Isabelle will be starting their Senior year at college in August!  That’s still two years until they’ll be finished their Masters’ degrees; but that really doesn’t seem like very long with everything that’s going to happen around here between now and then.

On the construction end of our local future plans, the first apartment building is basically done now except for the finishing work; appliance deliveries; and final clean-up.  Move-ins will start during the last week of June so that the tenants can be in their new apartments for the holiday weekend.  The medical center building is a little bit behind schedule right now because of the extra rain around here; but that shouldn’t be a problem as long as we get some dry stretches over the next couple of months.  As long as the shell of the building us up by late fall; there won’t be a problem with having the place ready to open next June.  That building is being built to grow, though, so it won’t even need to be fully finished inside for a few more years.

We went over the more general plans for work we’ll be doing over the next few years; talked about projects that are in the works for other businesses in town that isn’t related directly to our family business; and Ethan, Ehlana, and I had a few future plan details to pass on to our little group so they’ll be ready to deal with those issues – though we didn’t give away any major surprises and spoil any fun for them either.  I’ll write about those things as they happen instead of doing that now – even though you’ll already know about some or all of my future events whenever you read this in your ‘now’.

The meeting lasted about two and a half hours, and after our guests headed for their homes; I took care of getting Ethan and Ehlana off to bed while Mom and Dad worked in the office.  I was in bed by eleven-thirty after doing my Magi lesson with Mom once the twins were tucked in.  It’s been all studying and work since then, but I’ve gotten a lot of work done; and I’m almost ready now to wrap up this round of language study before taking the summer off from studying anything except the archives.

The extra work definitely has me ready for some nap time now; and I guess that’s about it for the news today, so, until next time…

…Live long and prosper, fellow Magi of the Light!