Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Cassie's Journal - April 26, 2014

Tai Chi by the river was extra fun today with Naomi and Aiden added to our usual group.  Sophia was invited to join us, but opted for bonus nap time with Mandy instead of either trying Tai Chi too or just hanging out by the river while we exercised.

Having five toddlers to feed and get ready for the day kept Mom, Dad, and me busy right from the time I kissed Michael goodbye until Dad and I got started on our yard work day after the breakfast clean-up was done.  Naomi and Aiden stayed with Ethan and Ehlana until after lunch, but Alicia took care of keeping them entertained while Mom worked indoors and Dad and I were busy.  My first job of the day was also a first for the year – cutting the lawn.  We had to dodge a few spits of rain here and there for a while, but that didn’t last long.  I followed up the lawn mowing with a whole lot of gardening.  That work included weeding, planting the new flowers that Mom picked up at the garden center, and my personal un-favorite – spreading a couple of dozen bags of all-natural fertilizer.

Yeah – really, seriously gross!

Michael is probably very happy tonight that he didn’t get to spend much time with me today; though I did eventually get rid of the smell – after a very long shower that included several soap cycles and lots of shampoo.  My clothes – and Mom’s and Dad’s – went straight into the wash too; and our scruffy yard work shoes needed to be cleaned too.  All of the physical activity has set me up for a different kind of tired tonight, but I still needed to finish packing for our trip to Washington; and I’m going to have a tough time sleeping tonight now that we’re down to just hours before we head out for our Capitol adventure.

While we didn’t have an easy-dinner tonight, Mom did make her life a bit easier by going with a crock pot entrée; so she only needed to throw together some side dishes when we were ready to eat.  I helped her with that because we had first dibs on shower time; and we had everything ready to go by the time Dad rejoined us after his shower.  We ate out on the back porch, and after cleaning up; Ethan and Ehlana came up to my room with me to hang out while I packed my bags.  That didn’t actually take long, since I was packing light and planning on buying some new clothes to wear later next week and bring back with me.  The only thing I’ll need to pack in the morning is my computer and a few bathroom necessities; so I am ready to go.  I spent the rest of the evening with Mom, Dad, and the twins; so I’m pretty much ready to be apart from them for the next six days.  We’ll keep in touch online, and I’m sure that they’ll manage without me around here; but I am going to miss my family a lot too.

Going to bed early is an option tonight, and while some alone time with Michael would have been nice; we will be spending a lot of the next week together; so maybe we’ll even manage some alone time here and there.  For now, I’ll have to settle for some Michael and me dream time.

My next update will be coming to you live from Washington D.C., so, until next time…

…Live long and prosper, fellow Magi of the Light!