Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cassie's Journal - March 30, 2014

Happy 19th Birthday, Jake!

I’m sure that it has been – especially since Stephanie took him out for a birthday party that included a hotel sleepover for two.  Miranda missed having her baby home for the day – especially since that was a first for any of her kids; but we did our best to help her to celebrate and have fun too.  I was with Michael at his house for the birthday breakfast that Jake and Stephanie were only able to attend via phone call; and I made sure that Miranda had extra hugs here and there throughout the rest of the day whenever I was around and it looked like she needed one.

Backing up a bit, Michael came over for Tai Chi, and then I rushed through getting ready for the day before meeting up with him again at his house for Jake’s in-absentia birthday breakfast.  Rebecca happily sent him pictures of the dishes he was missing out on using Miranda’s phone; and that added to the entertainment fun while we ate and talked with Jake and Stephanie for over half an hour.  Michael and I took care of the clean-up while his parents and sister got ready for church; and then we met up with my parents, brother, and sister and walked to church together.

While Jake’s birthday was the big event for the Stone family, the top stories at church this morning were Heather and Adam Green’s move into their new home and the weather.  While they still have unpacking left to do, Heather, Adam, and Brandon spent their first night in the new house last night; and Brandon is apparently already keeping his parents busy with his fascination with having a river in his back yard.  Since they bought Aunt Leanne’s first ‘show’ home, a lot of people in town – maybe even most – know just how beautiful it is; and we’re all very happy for them.

The weather had everyone’s attention too, and in a good way too; thanks to the temperature climbing back into the seventies again.  That had everyone thinking about spring a lot more than any amount of yard work possibly could; and spending time outdoors doing anything was very popular today.  I missed out on the drawn-out social time after church because Michael needed to head to the Inn right away after an extended service; but then I went home after that and was already changed by the time Mom and Dad got home with the twins.  I took care of Ethan and Ehlana; helped Mom with making lunch; and then Ethan, Ehlana, and I were set free to go play after we finished eating while Mom and Dad cleaned up before moving on to some office work they each needed to deal with.

I took the bike and trailer to the park so that I could take the twins for a ride.  We met up with Rowen and Tim there; played at the park with a bunch of other kids and teens; and Tim and Ethan played a bit of football with some of the guys for a while too.  Michael joined us for the last part of the football action, but then we needed to head back to my house to get our homework finished.  With such a beautiful afternoon, we took our work out onto the back porch, and it didn’t take long to get everything finished; but then Michael and I just ended up going back to the Inn a bit early to help out with the prep work for the buffets.  Tim and Rowen went out biking again, and that would have been fun; but I liked spending the time with Michael and his family too – even if we didn’t get to enjoy much more of the warm and sun today.

The weather affected the buffet crowd a little bit; though that would have been more noticeable if we hadn’t had most of the Green clan at the first sitting having a ‘thank-you for helping us move’ dinner that Heather, Adam, and his parents hosted.  Without them, we wouldn’t have had a full house for the first sitting; and we were only a bit more than three-quarters full for the second sitting.  That did allow everyone working at the Inn to take it a bit easier than usual; and my favorite part of the evening was when Michael, Rebecca, and I took our dinner break and ate our meals out by the river – though off to the side from the Inn so we wouldn’t be in the way of the diner’s view of the river.

There wasn’t anything special that happened during that break – it was mostly just the comparative quiet; just getting to be outdoors instead of cooped up inside; and the chat time with two of my best friends that made that handful of moments special.  We didn’t even really talk about anything earthshaking enough to write about here – just a quiet re-hash of some of the tidbits of news from the day and a little talk about what we each had going on over the next week or two.  With Rebecca in Grade Nine, Michael and I still miss out on lots of things she’s doing with other high school teens; but that’ll likely start changing again this summer – and when we hit high school in September too.

Because of the quieter second buffet sitting, I was able to head home early, and I was determined to get back on track with my early bedtime plans for school nights.  Mom did my Magi lesson with me before we did the bedtime routine with Ethan and Ehlana.  While I’m thinking about them, they’ve finished their first semester college exams; and will be starting their second freshman semester next week.  That gives them about three months to finish their first year of college before summer holidays; and then they’ll start their second year in September – right on time for having access to the equipment at the lab.

After getting the twins tucked in for the night, I decided to mix my studying and work with some Jacuzzi time.  I needed to use just a touch of time-phasing to get everything done, and that meant spending a bit too much time in the tub, but I am in bed now; and will be sleeping before midnight – so it worked out for the best.  I’ve only done my email check and this update since getting cuddled with Mandy; and don’t have anything newsworthy from my inbox to report either; so I guess that’s it for tonight.  Until next time…

…Live long and prosper, fellow Magi of the Light!