Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cassie's Journal - June 14, 2013

Michael and I are going to have our first date – at Aunt Grace and Mark’s wedding!

Stop laughing, Rowen – you’re not surprised to see that for the headline news on my report today.  Yes, our camping adventure has been great so far too, but it doesn’t top the roller-coaster-scary thrill of asking Michael to be my date for the wedding; having him say ‘yes’; or the rather enthusiastic hug and kiss I thanked him with.  Since that didn’t happen until after school, though, I should back up and keep the entire story in order.

We had some rain roll through early this morning, so Tai Chi was indoors today; but it mostly cleared out before school started; and we’ve had a very hot, humid day.  Rowen wants me to add that it was hotter for some of us than others.  I can go sit on the dock to finish this if you’d like, Rowen.  Haven’t you already gotten enough entertainment from all of this already?

Silly question – forget I asked.

Our last day of school started out tweeird and that trend continued through until our early release after the class parties.  While I was mostly only on the receiving end of some glares and muttered comments that were never too quiet for me not to hear; Michael was the main target of Vanessa’s and Nora’s tween games.  By now, Tim knew what they were doing, but was caught between a girlfriend and a cold, hard doghouse; and had no idea how to get out of his predicament.  I don’t really want to comment on what I think about pressuring someone into making a no-win choice like that; but it sucks as much for Tim as it does for Michael.

One thing that is funny about the whole tweeird mess is that the only results that Vanessa and Nora are getting from their divide and conquer plan is to push Michael, Rowen, and I closer together; and getting both Michael and Tim upset with them in a bad way.  Okay, Rowen – it’s pushing Michael and me closer together; though he’s doing more now with you too.  I’m sure that you’ll agree with me that all three of us were past-ready to get away from all of that by the time we were set free for the summer – even if it was only temporarily.

As I mentioned, it got really hot out today, and though the river is still on the chilly side; we decided to go for a swim to cool off.  Contrary to what Rowen’s teasing me about right now, I did not suggest that just so she’d need to go home to get changed into a swimsuit and give me the alone time with Michael to ask him to be my date for the wedding – that was just an added bonus.  I would have found another opportunity to ask him eventually, but that did work out really well to keep you and Aunt Leanne entertained for the rest of the day; so you should be happy.

We’re at that part of the recap, though, so let’s move along.  Rowen went home to get a swimsuit, and I walked Michael home so I’d have enough time to ask him.  I’m sure you’ve all guessed that was what I thought would be a good idea for a next step for Michael and me last night, and I still thought that it was this morning; but it was the continuing tweeirdness today that made the decision to go ahead with the invitation so easy.  That didn’t make it any less scary; and I definitely get what Mom felt like the first time she asked Dad out on a date.

That’s funny, Rowen, but I seriously doubt that roses would have had the same impact on Michael this afternoon as they did back then for Dad.  He definitely wouldn’t thank me for having a story like that come back to haunt him for the rest of his life either – which you know it would in our little town.  No, Dad doesn’t seem to mind it when the guys still razz him sometimes; but he wasn’t twelve when Mom sent him his flowers.

So I managed to ask Michael the big question by the time we reached his front porch without any major stuttering or goof-ups; he immediately agreed; and then I gave him that hug and kiss before leaving him standing there with a big grin on his face while I floated home so I could get changed into a swimsuit too.  Yes, I’m sure that kiss was witnessed by one or more people, but I temporarily didn’t care.

I might not still think so by tomorrow, but the wedding date and moonlight, riverside goodnight kiss stories will be out by then too; so I guess one more news flash on the grapevine won’t matter much.

Rowen is now singing “Cassie has a boyfriend.”

I don’t think that’s true quite yet – let’s wait and see how that first date goes before we change the ‘single’ status on my town intranet chat profile.

Funny you should bring that up, Rowen, because I wasn’t the only girl getting noticed by boys in my swimsuit this afternoon.  Don’t pretend that you didn’t see ‘Tommy’s’ eyes practically fall into the water when he saw you at the park – and he wasn’t the only one.  That’s what you get for shattering their bookworm image of you.  While we’re at it, go ahead and keep teasing me about it being hotter for some of us than others, but don’t forget that you’re personally responsible for increasing the temperature for some of those guys too.

Yes, they do all have girlfriends, including ‘Tommy’, but you do eventually want to convince him that you’re the perfect girl for him, so you need to get his attention; and I’d say that you definitely accomplished that mission today.  At least you were able to do that without ending up in the tweeird zone with his girlfriend.  I can’t say the same for Vanessa’s reaction to seeing me in my swimsuit – or Michael’s proximity and obvious appreciation.

I’ve skipped some details, so I’d better add that there were actually six of us at the park.  Rebecca came swimming with us in the river behind my house, and then we canoed to the park with Ethan and Ehlana so we could play with them there and give Mom a break for an hour or two.  There were a lot of kids and teens enjoying the extra afternoon time at the park; and I wasn’t surprised to see Vanessa, Nora, and the rest of the friends they’d invited to hang out together after school there – or that they were all hanging out by the river or swimming in it when we tied our canoes up to the dock.

Rebecca, Rowen, and I had put shorts and tops on over our swimsuits before getting Ethan and Ehlana ready to go, and Michael had put a t-shirt on, but Tim started razzing him while we were getting out onto the docks; and that’s why we ended up going for another swim.  Michael answered Tim’s taunts with an up-close-and-personal cannonball, and then Ethan needed to go swimming too; so we all did – and that was also when ‘Tommy’ nearly had his eyeballs fall out into the river when Rowen pulled her top and shorts off.

Don’t give me that, Rowen – you know it was a big deal.  We were with Rebecca, and last year there wouldn’t have been a single guy our age even notice we were there anytime she or Jenny were wearing swimsuits.  You should also be glad that I’ve crossed over now too – a week ago I would have just found all of that attention and subsequent goofiness annoying and dumb – now I think it’s annoying and funny.

Our entry into the water play meant that Vanessa and Nora felt the need to get out of the water and start a slow process of getting the rest of their gang to get out too while they also sat on the dock and did what can only be called posing to achieve optimum swimsuit effect.

Give me a break!

Rebecca, Rowen, Michael, and I were having too much fun with Ethan and Ehlana to care about the tweeird the two girls were orchestrating, and at least two of us were glad when it was the siren call of Emporium ice cream cones that worked for them to get the whole gang moving on without us.  I’m sure our timing for getting out of the river then was taken the wrong way by Vanessa and Nora; but that’s just when Ethan and Ehlana were getting cold and it was time to get them out and dried off.  It would have been nice if that had been the end of the tweeird, but we were still playing with Ethan and Ehlana at the playground when they all returned – most of them still working on eating their cones, drinks, or other treats.

Packing up, getting in our canoes, and paddling home was probably another little victory for Vanessa and Nora, but I’d only needed to overhear a handful of comments before wanting to get Ethan and Ehlana away from it – especially since their senses are at least as acute as mine; and possibly stronger whenever they’re together.  When we got back home, Rowen and I needed to get our tent and campsite set up; so we did that while Rebecca and Michael mostly played with Ethan and Ehlana while we spent a half hour or so getting the work done.

Rebecca turned down our offer to join us for the camping tonight, but she and Michael accepted Mom’s invitation to have dinner with us, so once our tent was set up; we had a chance to toss a baseball around and have a little game of Frisbee before Mom recruited us to get tables set up for dinner.  We had the usual dinner and a movie night gang coming over with a few baseball team friends too – including Philip and Naomi.  We put two tables together for ‘the kids’, and two sets of two tables for the adults.  Grandpa had come over to fire up the grills before we started doing that, and he and Dad were both working on cooking dinner by the time we were finished; and had helped get the buffet set up on the back porch patio table.

I would humbly like to acknowledge that getting to tell Aunt Leanne that she’d need to add Michael as my ‘plus one’ for the wedding was the top dinnertime news flash, and Rowen has already admitted to herself that finding out that way was more fun that if I’d told her sooner; even though she’s still teasing me about not immediately telling my best friend in the whole world about the most important news in my life today.

It certainly left Aunt Leanne speechless for a few very entertaining moments; and all of the teasing that followed was worth going through.  Dad was surprised too, but Mom wasn’t.  I’ll guess that would be because of what she sensed from me earlier this afternoon.

Mom, Grandma, Aunt Leanne, and Aunt Deborah were combining dinner with a wedding plans update meeting; and I was able to tell Aunt Leanne about having a date shortly after we’d all sat down to eat.  While I knew that Aunt Leanne would have something to say about my announcement, they also had a limited amount of time to get through their wedding update too before we’d need to clean up from dinner and get over to the park for the Fix-it Uppers’ game; so I thought that my timing worked out pretty well – at least until it became one of Aunt Leanne’s favorite chat topics with the other spectators during the game.  It’s not as if I didn’t know the news would get around fast, but I was hoping that Miranda might at least hear the news from Michael or Rebecca first instead of through the grapevine; and that probably didn’t happen.

A first win of the season didn’t happen for the Fix-it Uppers tonight either, and while the sixteen to thirteen score didn’t look all that bad in the end; the only lead of the game we had was thanks to our only run in the top of the first; and we progressively fell farther behind except for a four-run seventh that was too little too late when we’d gone into the final inning down seven.  Rowen, Rebecca, Ehlana, Naomi and I still had fun with our cheerleading; Aunt Leanne provided a lot of entertainment even if she wasn’t jumping around and cheering with us; and the game was at least interesting and fun too – even if the actual baseball play wasn’t anything to write about.

Violet got home after the game had started, and she dropped her bags off at home first before walking over to the park to hang out with us for a little while before going on to the Inn to meet up with Dillon, Jake, and Stephanie.  She promised me that we’ll be having a ‘little chat’ later about the news I didn’t pass on to her this week too, but she’s still hanging out with Dillon now; has the party tomorrow; and a busy day on Sunday, so I probably won’t have to worry about that until next week – maybe even until after her birthday on Tuesday.

Though some of the players from both teams were heading for Sheldon’s after the game, Mom and Dad decided not to go along; and they invited Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne back to the house to do the bedtime snack with us.  We dropped Rebecca off at her house on the way home, but Michael, Rowen, and I decided to go for another cool-off swim.

Yes, Rowen, I did skip mentioning that Michael and I were holding hands during the walk home – and a few other times tonight when we were sitting together during the game; but I’d have thought you’d rather have me write about your conveniently-timed and transparent decision to go inside after we’d only been in the water for about five minutes.  No, that moonlight kiss probably wouldn’t have happened if you’d stayed, but then that is the kind of thing you had in mind while giving us that opportunity.

While we’re on this subject, to all of those witnesses that night who are now reading this; Michael and I knew you were watching.  Some of you need to be faster with turning out the lights if you’re hoping for a better view without being seen flipping the switch.

Michael and I haven’t suddenly become experts, and it’s not like our goodnight kiss lasted longer than a few moments; but the combination of wet, swimsuits, and close proximity had me getting that fireworks feeling again.  I could get used to that fairly easily, so with apologies; it’s time for Vanessa to come up with a new summer boyfriend plan – the one she currently has for Michael just is not going to work for me anymore.  :^)

Moving along, after sharing that kiss, Michael walked home through the back yards; and I went inside and spent some time getting teased about it by the handful of witnesses who had been watching us from the kitchen windows.

I’m so glad that we didn’t disappoint them.

Aunt Leanne is very inconsistent with her jokes and comments, and I don’t know why she actually seems a little surprised; considering that we’re so much alike in a lot of ways.  I was a bit distracted while that was going on, but I’ll have to get Dad and Grandma to tell me some stories about her first boyfriends sometime.  I’d ask Grandpa too, but he may have been in denial about his little girl and boys until she got married – just kidding, Grandpa.  I should add that Dad got teased nearly as much as I did; and another of Aunt Leanne’s inconsistencies was teasing me about kissing Michael while giving Rowen some ‘that’s my girl’ praise for setting us up for the alone time.

Fine, Rowen – thank-you.  Why don’t I just get Mom to make a mental picture of the kiss for you; and we can make a billboard for it that you can put up on one of the school or park scoreboards – “This moment brought to you by Carrington-Emerson-Proctor Matchmakers.”

I’m joking – don’t you dare!

This seems like a very good time to quit while I’m behind and get on with the rest of our camping adventure.  Rowen and I both grabbed quick showers, dried our hair, and got changed into shorts and tees so we’d be comfortable in the still-hot and humid night before heading back out to the river and our tent.  We’ve mostly just been listening to music vids and chatting since then, but we have our big game against Palmer’s Panthers at noon, and a work morning at the store or doing yard work; so we should probably get some sleep soon too.  Michael’s working a bit more this weekend because all of the senior students will be at the grad party tomorrow night and they have an all-hands-on-deck Father’s Day on Sunday; so that likely means there won’t be any more moments like we had today for at least a couple of days.

Feel free to find more excuses to leave Michael and me alone for a few minutes now and then on Monday, Rowen! :^)

Now I really need to wrap this up, so...

...until next time, this is Magi Master Cassie Proctor; logging out!