Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cassie's Journal - March 26, 2013

Guys wearing pajama pants is now officially a fad at school; and quite a few of the boys in Grade Seven and Eight jumped onboard.  I have no idea why, but Jake and Dillon were wearing pajama pants too; and Michael and Tim were following Jake’s lead.  Since it was another cold day, I think they’re all a bit crazy, but I also agree with the majority of girls at school who think that Jake Stone looks really great in the hospital scrubs he was wearing.

I am not commenting on how any of the guys in my class looked in their pajama pants, other than to suggest that one of the guys was incredibly brave to wear his superhero jammies.  If you’re reading this in some decades-distant future, and know both that story and the identity of the guy; I’ll guess that his future self regrets the youthful indiscretion.

There isn’t a lot else to report from school.  Michael and Lisa are still quietly having problems that they’re mostly still keeping between them; since there isn’t a peep about them on the school grapevine.  Michael joined Rowen and me for our lunchtime music practice; and I think that escaping into the music for a while helped; though he wasn’t having as much fun with it as he usually does.  I knew there had been more of a shift in his relationship with Lisa when she didn’t even check up on us once while we practiced; and while I was still getting the cold shoulder from her today, it wasn’t either better or worse because Michael spent that time with me.  A joke at the start of our first afternoon class about Michael spending his lunchtime all alone in the music room with two girls while in his pajamas didn’t even register the reaction the guy making the joke had hoped for from Lisa; and I wished even more that I could help her.  Hopefully, her best friends will be able to do that instead.

Since it was another cold day with a snowy-slushy mess on the ground; Rowen and I didn’t mind getting back to our usual Tuesday after-school jobs.  I haven’t mentioned Aunt Leanne’s morning sickness problems since before she took Mom on their weekend away in Florida, mostly because she’s only had minor issues in the mornings since her last batch of tough days; but today wasn’t a good one for her, and Mom spent parts of the day helping her while she was sick.  That included most of the time between when Alicia and I got home after school and dinnertime.  While I worked in the office; Alicia took care of Ethan and Ehlana; and Mom went over to be with Aunt Leanne at her place.

That was something that was different now that Grandma and Grandpa were home.  Aunt Leanne had extra parental support, and if she needed Mom; Ethan and Ehlana had an extra babysitting option during the school day.  While Aunt Leanne had wanted Mom with her through the worst moments of the day, Grandma helped her too; and she and Grandpa took care of cooking and delivering dinner for four that they shared with Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne while Mom came home to have dinner with Dad, Ethan, Ehlana, and me.

Aunt Leanne probably should have taken the night off, but they’d set up a wedding plans meeting, and the only change they made was to have it at her house.  Mom, Grandma, and Aunt Deborah were all there for that for an hour or so after dinner, and then Mom came home again so that she could do some Magi lessons with Ethan, Ehlana, and me before bedtime.  Just in case I didn’t have enough on the go, my lesson came with a big archive assignment; so I had a lot to work on after coming up to my room for the night.

Tonight, I started with the archive homework before moving on to studying the first of three scripts that are used to write Punjabi, but my mind wasn’t totally on my work tonight; and I also took a little break between the archive and language work for a little therapeutic music practice on my keyboard.  It’s late, and I don’t really want to go into the details, but I’m having a tough time dealing with the empathic stress at school with Michael and Lisa.  It’s a pointless exercise, but I’m also wondering if things between them would have been different if Mom and I had never moved here – something I’m sure Lisa is wondering too.  The Sight doesn’t allow me to look back and then forward into ‘what might have been’ futures, and even if that was possible, I’m sure the same rules would apply; and I’d just see all of the possible choices and outcomes from that point onward.  I can’t help how I’m feeling right now, and knowing what I do about the future doesn’t make things any easier – especially since, as I’ve mentioned before, Ethan, Ehlana, and I don’t get to have all of the details; and I know almost nothing at all about Lisa’s future.

Wow, that ended up being a lot for ‘not going into the details’.  I think I’ll just wrap this up; cuddle with Mandy; and stare vacantly at nothing while I wait for my brain to shut down enough to get some sleep.

Until next time, this is Magi Master Cassie Proctor; logging out!