Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cassie's Journal - February 22, 2013

There were another couple of inches of fresh snow on the ground by the time I woke up this morning, and I shoveled the driveway and sidewalks instead of doing Tai Chi with Mom.  I was only a little surprised when Michael came over to help me with the work, and we even managed to get finished before Jake was done clearing their driveway.

We took the tween hit for it at school this morning, and I suspect that my adorable little brother and sister had something to do with the change in breakfast plans, but Mom invited Michael to have pancakes, bacon, and hot chocolate for breakfast with us to thank him for helping out with the shoveling yesterday and this morning; he accepted; and we both had fun goofing around with Ethan and Ehlana for nearly three quarters of an hour while we ate and then cleaned up before he headed home again, and we both needed to get ready for school.

I had to pack my bag for the trip to Woodvale too, since we were leaving right after school, so Rowen already had the evening and morning news updates from Mom and the twins by the time I met up with her in the kitchen.  She was a bit too entertained by those stories, and couldn’t resist teasing me about winning the game night championship without her.  Aunt Leanne will be proud of her for adding in a few jokes about ending the night teamed up with Michael and then working together first thing in the morning again before having him stay for breakfast.  Ethan and Ehlana didn’t exactly help me out by telling her that they’d still been asleep, and didn’t actually witness Michael come over to our house this morning.  Thankfully that little attempt at humor didn’t make it onto the school gossip network!

The news that was floating around at school today made things weird enough for Michael and me; though it was harder for him.  Rowen had only teased me in private, but Tim didn’t feel the same need for constraint, and led the jokes that were mostly directed at Michael.  He seemed to be oblivious to the effect that was having on Lisa, and she was nearly as upset with him as she was with me by the end of the day.

While I managed to provide the wrong kind of entertainment for my friends and classmates, we did actually have classes to work through too, and there were other things going on that were more interesting to most of the kids and teens at school than the tween drama of the day.  Snow play at lunch time – and recesses for the younger kids – topped the to-do list for a lot of us; and Rowen and I had as much fun as everyone else as we joined in for a major snowball fight and added our contribution to the small groups of snowmen that dotted the yard by the time we went inside again for our afternoon classes.  I hadn’t really thought about it much, since we’ll be away all weekend, but the Maple Valley Winter Festival is this weekend, and it seemed that nearly everyone except Rowen and I were planning on going to the festival either on Saturday or Sunday.  This will be the first year that I’ve missed it since moving here, but I wouldn’t trade doing that instead of a weekend away for anything.

After being set free from school, Rowen and I stopped at the computer store to say goodbye to her parents; she changed and picked up her bag at her place; and then we met up with Mom, Ethan, and Ehlana at my house.  Mom had the van loaded and everything ready to go, but I wanted to get changed too, and did that quickly before we all hopped into the minivan and hit the road.

We were winging our travel plans, and wouldn’t be deciding whether we’d be stopping for dinner in Crystal Springs or just hitting a drive-thru and picking up fast food to go.  That decision ended up being for fast food when it took nearly three hours to get to the far side of Crystal Springs.  We were able to meet up with Dad there, but since we’d all been delayed; Mom and Dad decided not to lose another hour and a half by stopping for dinner at a restaurant.  Even with more delays from Crystal Springs to Woodvale, we managed to get to Uncle Rick and Aunt Melissa’s by nine-thirty.

Mom and Dad had a surprise waiting for them – two nights away from the kids while we stayed with our cousins, and they spent their nights doing whatever parents do when they don’t have the kids around in the privacy of a five-star hotel room.  We needed to unload the van first; they stayed for an hour-long visit; and we put Ethan and Ehlana to bed before they left the minivan behind and took Dad’s truck over to the hotel.

Dawn, Rowen, and I are using the family room for our weekend sleepover headquarters, though Dawn told us that Chris and Martin hadn’t been happy about giving up their usual weekend hangout for us to use instead.  Having girls invade their space wasn’t the problem anymore – Dawn and Violet had both kept me up to speed enough for me to know that Chris, Martin, and their buddies usually had girls hanging out with them this year.  That change, however, did not apply to kid sisters, her friends, or to Rowen and me; so we were cramping their style.

Violet spent a little time with us after Mom and Dad left for the hotel, but Chris and Martin took over the living room to do their big screen gaming there while we were watching junior chick flicks.  My usual late study nights must be making a difference, since Dawn fell asleep before we were half-way through the first, and what will be the only, movie.  I was doing some surfing on my computer while she, Rowen, and I watched the show and chatted, but started doing my usual nightly checks once Dawn was out for the count.

There really isn’t much family news to report so far, but we didn’t really have much time to talk about much more than our trip and what everyone had been doing for the past couple of days – especially with how we’d been dealing with the snow.  I’m sure we’ll have more time to catch up on everything that doesn’t make the email rounds tomorrow while we’re shopping and playing together all day.

For now, though, the last thing I want to mention is that I miss being home.  I know that sounds weird, since we’ve only been away from Witch Falls for a handful of hours, but it’s still true; and unexpected.  Maybe it’s the Witch Falls magic tugging at me.  I definitely miss Uncle Adam, Aunt Leanne, and Mandy; and I guess there really is a feeling – an attachment – that I don’t really even think about; but it’s as real as the links I have with Mom, Dad, Ethan, and Ehlana.  I’ve been exploring that sensation while thinking about it, and changing the focus to range from concentrating on the town and area in general to specific people and places.

I’m not surprised to find out that I especially feel that sense of something missing with the Stone and Emerson families, but discovering that feeling is strongest when I think about Michael – even more than Miranda or Rebecca – must mean that I’ve entered the tweeird zone.  Hopefully that isn’t a crossing over danger sign!  That little piece of information won’t be getting to Aunt Leanne anytime soon, and I half wish that I didn’t know either; though it also feels really great to have that whole connection to home.

We have a big day ahead, starting with meeting Mom and Dad for breakfast at their hotel, so I should wrap this up and get some sleep.

Until next time, this is Magi Master Cassie Proctor; logging out!