Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Cassie's Journal - December 20, 2012

I didn’t want to jinx things by writing about it last night, but it snowed today!

That’s the good news.  The bad is that it won’t stay cold enough between now and Christmas to keep what we did get around.  Most everyone would probably say that the bad news was actually the fact that we had freezing rain ahead of the snow, and the roads were a mess all day; but I don’t drive, and sliding around everywhere you go is a fun, awesome adventure when you’re a kid.  Though this snow won’t last through the weekend, now that we’ve had some, I’ll risk messing things up by hoping that the forecast is right for us getting several more inches of snow on Christmas Day.

I’m (still) dreaming of a white Christmas!

Next up, I’d like to defend myself by pointing out that Rowen and I were defending ourselves this morning – first from Michael and Patrick; and later from Michael and Tim.  Yes, I did knock Michael flat into the snow, and landed on top of him, but he was about to bean Rowen with a snowball, and I had to stop him somehow.  The snow down his back was just instinct kicking in; and the rest of the ongoing snowball fight we had while walking to school was just normal kid stuff – not the big deal Aunt Leanne tried to make it out to be.  She should have just been happy that the girls won and left the rest of it alone.

Aunt Leanne should seriously stop dreaming of getting Michael Stone and me together for Christmas – especially since he already has Lisa hoping that he’ll be her boyfriend by then!

Just in case anyone thinks I’m skipping the bad parts of the day, I actually loved shoveling and salting the porches, sidewalks, and driveway.  Mom and I needed to skip Tai Chi so I’d have time for that, but getting enough exercise wasn’t a problem today.  The weather did slow things down a bit, though, and the school buses were delayed by up to two hours.  Principal Jacobs may have considered cancelling them, but, as they say, the Christmas show must go on – and it did.

Some of the country kids were driven in by parents while others waited for the buses to make the rounds, and that made for an even easier morning for everyone at school with as little as half of the students in every class.  Mrs. Warren put our class to work helping out in the gym, since so many teens weren’t around to help out with setting up chairs and the rest of the work to have everything ready for the show.  I know, it sounds like I did more work than anything else this morning, but setting up the gym really was fun too.

At the risk of future teasing after Aunt Leanne reads this some day; my favorite parts of the concert were when Michael was playing guitar for the songs that some of the younger classes were performing for their moments to shine during the Christmas show.  He accompanied a couple of special acts too; and there’s a good chance that he’s the best guitarist in our school.  Yeah, go ahead and tease me, Aunt Leanne, but you were there; and you know that he really was one of the stars of the show – even if he didn’t do any solos; and wasn’t trying to show off.

I fell in love today too.

No, not with Michael, though I do love him because he and Rebecca were my first friends in Witch Falls.  I fell in love with the piano this afternoon – as much as I love the saxophone.  I don’t know what it was that made that happen – it’s not like I haven’t heard pianos and organs regularly every week of my entire life; but today I was just captivated and charmed by the music.  I have no idea how I’m going to fit it into my schedule, but learning to play the piano is definitely getting added to my to-do list for the New Year.

The Christmas show was a blast, and the gymnasium was full of fired up kids and teens; proud parents and relatives; and enthusiastic friends and neighbors.  Mom, Aunt Leanne, and Claire were there with Ethan and Ehlana; along with Miranda, Patricia, and one of both of the rest of the parents in their usual group of friends.  Rowen and I ended up with Ethan and Ehlana for about half of the show; and they added to the entertainment for all of the kids around us.

Getting through every ‘class’ act and the solos, duets, groups, band, and theatre troupe performances took over two hours.  That was followed by drinks and Christmas treats in the cafeteria; and then we were all set free for the day.  For me, freedom meant going home and getting to work on the family business until dinnertime while Rowen was busy at the computer store.

Mom did an easy-dinner night, we had a little chat with Dad while cleaning up, and then we met up with Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne and headed over to the Inn for the last game night of the year.  I’m sure that you can guess that Miranda was fired up to have Mom as her partner tonight, and she did at least get the last game night championship win of the year checked off of her Christmas wish list.  I was happy that she and Mom got the win, but not quite so thrilled to have her help Aunt Leanne with the teasing after finding out about the snow incident from this morning – especially since Lisa was there too; and didn’t appreciate overhearing any of those jokes.  Michael looked like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go home and hide until the New Year or march me outside for a snowball fight re-match.  I made sure that a snowball fight on the way home wasn’t an option by getting Rowen to leave early with me; and I walked her home before continuing on to my house.  I had coffee and hot chocolate ready by the time Mom, Aunt Leanne, and Uncle Adam got back with the twins; and we did our bedtime snack and story together before Mom was on her own with us for the rest of the night.

We did the full bed and bath time with Ethan and Ehlana, and then Mom and I both headed for our Jacuzzis for some down time.  I worked on my computer while in the tub too, but didn’t really get much done until after climbing in bed with Mandy.  I’ve been working for nearly two and a half hours since then, but I’ve finished everything I wanted to get done before the holidays plus some extra archive work; and I read one book on playing the piano just to get a head start on next year.

That’s all I have to report, and I’m somewhere in the general neighborhood of exhausted, so...

...say ‘goodnight, Cassie’.

“Goodnight, Cassie.”