Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cassie's Journal - Feb. 8, 2012

It’s officially not my birthday anymore, and even though I was planning on taking the entire day off, here I am again; writing this after ending my birthday with a couple of hours of computer time while snuggled in bed with Mandy. Mostly, the work has been to keep me busy while I wound down. I’ve been on the go nearly non-stop since waking up this morning, but have a lot to think about tonight too.

Mom, Dad, Ethan, and Ehlana helped to start the day out great with a new outfit birthday present to wear to school and a pancakes and bacon breakfast. I spent a little extra time getting ready for school after eating; and Mom helped me with my hair while Ehlana supervised. There were some cards and a couple of gifts given to me during the day; with the best one being from Jake, Stephanie, Dillon, and Violet. Some of the girls teased me about crossing over after I hugged the two boys to thank them, but I’m sure that most of them just wished that they could’ve been hugging Jake too.

Except for Dad, Uncle Adam, and Ethan, I was having a girls-only party; and Rowen and most of the other girls came home with me after we were set free from school. The only exceptions were Rebecca and Jenny. They came over in time for dinner, and then left right after I opened my presents and we finished having dessert. I knew that they didn’t really want to come, and Miranda probably made Rebecca do it; but I was glad to spend a little time with them anyway.

We decided not to do a sleepover this year, and since it was a school night, we really didn’t have all that much time to play after dinner. The lounge had been party central for everything except dinner, and we played, talked, and listened to music videos up there until the ‘country kids’ started getting picked up at around eight-thirty. Rowen was the last to go home, and she stayed long enough to help me with cleaning up the lounge. Uncle Adam had needed to leave early for his Wednesday night clinic, but Aunt Leanne stayed until after Ethan and Ehlana went to bed, and then he stopped in again for a short visit before taking Aunt Leanne home.

Winding down since coming upstairs to bed has been taking so long in part because I’ve been busy processing everything that’s happened today. I know that Mom has mentioned that I’m fairly hyper-active many times in her journals, but I’m also sucking up every detail of everything that goes on around me all the time; and on information overload days like today; it takes a while to work through it all.

Try not to be scared, but I’m mentioning ‘crossing over’ for the second time in this rccap. This time, it’s strictly for the Magi project purposes, and no, it is not me – or Rowen – who is crossing over right now. I’ve already added the details to the project journal, but wanted to include some thoughts about it here too. During the party tonight, I noticed a tiny fluctuation in the latent level for one of my friends. Uncle Adam and I can add this to our study, but it could help us to understand why some Magi gain use of their abilities during puberty or in their teen years – like Violet did. That won’t happen in this particular case, since she’s about mid-level in the latent range on the rough scale we’re still working on; so the changes I’m sensing are far too small to lead to active use of any Magi abilities. Before anyone goes there; no, I have no intention of eavesdropping on any teen make-out sessions to try and further this particular line of research!

There’s been a lot more that I’ve been thinking about, but nothing really new that I haven’t already written about; so I’ll leave continuing the Magi and non-Magi sociology discussion for another day. I loved all of my presents, the party was a blast, and we all especially loved the Olde Bakery cake; but turning eleven hasn’t really ended up feeling like that big of a deal. It’s funny how different that seems to be for everyone. Eleven seemed very important to Rebecca, Jenny, and quite a few of our friends, but when I mentioned it to Rowen; she reminded me that she had felt the same way I did when she turned eleven last November.

Anyway, it’s late, and I need to get some sleep, so...

...live from Witch Falls; this is Cassie Proctor, signing off!