Rowen and I spent the whole day together after meeting up for the walk to church this morning. We had lunch at her house, and then spent the afternoon going for a canoe ride, biking, and playing at the park. We took Ethan and Ehlana with us to the playground with an Emporium stop along the way to pick up an afternoon frozen treats snack and drinks.
Our parents had a surprise for us when we got home, and were putting together a barbeque dinner that Grandmas and Grandpas Emerson and Proctor, and Aunt Leanne and Uncle Adam, were all going to join us for. Helping out with that, and with Ethan and Ehlana, kept us busy for a while; but that was a lot of fun too, and earned us a pair of get-out-of-cleanup tickets. Dinner out on the back porch was fun too, and after the kitchen was cleaned up again, we all went for a walk around the path at the park before it was time to say goodnight and head back to our respective homes.
I’d promised myself a full day off from work, but after helping out with Ethan and Ehlana’s feeding and bedtime Telepathic chat and story; it wasn’t long before my computer was calling to me just as strongly as my Jacuzzi was. Now I’m basically ending tonight exactly the same way as yesterday – right down to the lack of email from Mark or Aunt Grace. I’m sure they’ll get around to that sometime after they get back home sometime later tonight. Hopefully they’ll both do that before Aunt Leanne or Mom talk with them or send email too; since I did tell them about the strange coincidence of my emails being read at the same place by the attention-shy couple. A few extra hugs for Aunt Grace at Thanksgiving should smooth things over, and at least this will be old news for her by then too. Another déjà vu to last night is that I’m losing track of time and have spent a bit too much time in the water. Time to wrap this up; do my weekend entertainment check; and then head for bed.