It’s been another rainy day; though there was at least enough of a break in the weather this morning so I could go outside for my morning Tai Chi. I was hoping to exercise with Aunt Leanne and Uncle Adam, but they must’ve decided to skip today, or were busy with Ethan and Ehlana while I was out in Rowen’s back yard. There was an audience of one watching me, but I pretended not to notice the eight-year old, second-floor admirer so he wouldn’t be embarrassed.
Rowen and I helped her Mom to make breakfast, and then we were set free to get ready for church while the boys cleaned up. Mr. Emerson definitely got the worst of that deal; since his two helpers were a fair bit less enthusiastic about their jobs; and he probably ended up doing most of the work. The rain was coming down steadily by the time we left for church; so we drove over, and Rowen’s Dad dropped us off at the front doors before going to find someplace to park. Mom and Dad were already there, and judging by their smiles, I really didn’t want to know what they’d been doing with their night off from kids.
Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne were smiling too when they joined us; and Ethan and Ehlana looked like they’d both had fun and were glad to be reunited with Mom, Dad, and me. After the rounds of hugs and kisses, Rowen and I got to each take care of one of the twins until it was time for us to go to Sunday school with the rest of the kids and teens.
The Emersons had family plans for the afternoon, so I was bff-less for the rest of the day. Dad needed to work in the office, so while he did that, Mom and I did a long Magi lesson with Ethan and Ehlana after lunch. They had an afternoon nap after the mid-afternoon feeding, and I kept Dad company in the office and worked on the family business for a couple of hours. We were meeting Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Leanne, and Uncle Adam at the Inn for the late buffet, so once the twins were up again, I helped Mom with them until it was time to drive over to the Inn.
We were a bit early, and there was a small line-up waiting for tables, but that gave me a chance to go back into the kitchen and visit with Rebecca, Jenny, Dillon, and Jake for a few minutes. Miranda, Jacob, and Stephanie were all really busy, but I did at least get to stop them long enough for hugs before they continued on with their work. Dillon still looked as happy as he’d been at church this morning after spending most of Saturday with Violet. Some of the other guys working with him in the kitchen teased him about hugging me first, but he ignored them, and had wanted to thank me for inviting Violet to come for the Fall Festival weekend. He was even happier when he found out that the invitation had been given full parental approval since the last time he’d talked with Violet.
The buffets are always great, and we all had fun for the hour and a half or so that we were at the Inn. Dad still had a bit of work to get done once we got home again, so Mom and I took care of the inevitable question and answer time with Ethan and Ehlana. They went to sleep after their nine o’clock feeding, so Mom and I both took that opportunity for some quality Jacuzzi time. Dad was finished his work by the time we were finished doing that, and we had our bedtime snack in the kitchen before he and Mom went upstairs so he could pack for his trip and wait for the twins to wake up for their midnight feeding. Mandy and I were sent off to bed, and once I have this archive entry done; I’ll be ready to get some sleep. Mom and I do have lots of help with the twins this week while Dad’s away, but we’re still going to have five very long, busy days ahead of us.
Heirs of the Magi News Flash!
***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!***
Happy 2025!
We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so...
...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!