Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Friday, March 31, 2023

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - March 31, 2023


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 10th Birthday, Brandon Green!

We’ve dodged any bad weather so far today; the current temperature is seventy-two; and we’re about to go out and play with our friends and some cousins for the rest of the afternoon – once we get finished with packing overnight bags to take with us over to Naomi’s house.

Our day began with outdoor Tai Chi by the river thanks to a mid-sixties temperature, and that was an awesome start to our last day of March!  We had a hot breakfast; our school day was great with lots of outdoor time; and now we’re just getting to the best parts of our day.  We’ll need to write about that tomorrow night; since we don’t plan on taking our computers along with us to Naomi’s house.

Before we move on, though, let’s mention that Zack and Eli won’t be around while at Brandon’s party instead; the Carringtons are hosting our family-and-friends’ dinner-and-play night; and the sleepover is at Naomi’s tonight because our parents are apparently due for a kid-free night.

We really need to get going, so stay tuned for the rest of our news for today; and we’ll get out there and live the adventures! ;^)

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - March 30, 2023


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 28th Birthday, Jake Stone!

We did a bike-by visit to wish Jake the best; and didn’t have any other involvement in his special day while he had the day off to celebrate with family and friends.  He and Stephanie were not at game night tonight; and they’re apparently getting a kid-free night too.  No other details will likely be passed along to us! ;^)

Our day has been good.  It was still chilly this morning, but warmed up to seventy this afternoon; so you won’t be shocked to know that we had bonus outdoor time at school or that we biked and played with our friends after school.  We had barbeque for dinner that Dad cooked up for us; game night at the Inn was a blast; and then we did some work and a Magi lesson in the office with Mom and Dad after we got home from the Inn.

It was late by the time we were sent upstairs, but bath or Jacuzzi time was still required; and now we’re keeping our bedtime twin chat and computing short because it is late and we’re getting tired.

That’s all we have for this update, so we’ll move on; get the rest of our computing done; and call it a night – or morning – soon.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - March 29, 2023


Ethan and Ehlana:

It’s warmed up a bit today with the high nearing sixty; so you can likely guess that we had more outdoor time both at school and after we were set free from our academic adventures.  Tai Chi still needed to be indoors this morning; we had a normal breakfast; and then our school fun included a test, an outdoor science class, and we took our reading time outside too.  Biking and park play with our friends kept us busy until dinnertime; and that was definitely our entertainment highlight of the day.  Dinner with Mom and Dad was great; and then our evening included a Magi lesson and family business work.

We don’t really have anything newsworthy to report from that work, but we got a lot done and had fun with Mom and Dad.  Bath or Jacuzzi time was needed after that; and now we’re winding down with our twin chat and computing fun.  Sometimes, we’re very tempted not to keep up with world news, and this week has been a good example of that, but while it could be depressing to stay informed; we’ll choose that over being oblivious.  We can feel better tonight because of the work we did that will help a lot of people; and we’ll hope that others will do what they can where we can’t right now.  That seems like a good place to end this update, so we’ll do that; and move on until we are ready to crash and nap for the rest of the night.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - March 28, 2023


Ethan and Ehlana:

We’ve had another good day full of happiness and fun; and had that happen without any major news.  Tai Chi was indoors; breakfast was standard school-day fare; and our academic adventures did not include anything out of the ordinary.  The weather warmed to around fifty-two this afternoon, so we went biking with our friends after school.  That was one of our entertainment highlights of the day; and we stayed out until dinnertime – including a park-based snack break.  We had dinner with Mom and Dad; they set us free to go and play at the lab or archives after we took care of the clean-up; and we stayed and played at the lab until ten-thirty – later than we should have stayed, but necessary for Ehlana to complete an experiment.  We came home after that; did a quick bedtime visit with Mom and Dad; and we’ve been in Ehlana’s room since then working on our usual computing and enjoying the twin chat time.

We’re tempted to offer a commentary on what has been a couple of busy news days with stories that have grabbed the attention of a lot of people, but we won’t get into those stories.  Bad people do bad things; bad things happen; and those stories fascinate people in predictable ways.  All loss of life is tragic; and we don’t ever think of some lives being more-important than others.

Let’s move on; since we really don’t want to get into a diatribe about anything.  Ehlana wants to add that we are deeply affected by every bad-news story around the world and keep everyone in our prayers, but it is important to keep love and joy alive and well in our own lives – and share the happiness with as many people as we can.  That might not be a large circle for us right now, but we are taking the Light out into the world; and know that we – the Magi of the Light – will change the world!

Stay tuned for that; and we’ll wrap this up and get some sleep.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Monday, March 27, 2023

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - March 27, 2023


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 12th Birthday, Jayden!

While we couldn’t be there for our cousin’s special day, a breakfast vid-chat with him – and his family – was an entertainment highlight for our day; and he loved the group gift that we’d sent for him with the ‘we’ including Naomi and Aiden.  He is having a co-ed party, with the biggest difference to home being that they went out to dinner and a movie before coming home for some social time that is probably still going on now.

Compared to that, our day has been uneventful.  It only warmed to the mid-forties today, so we stayed indoors at school and had a no-news day – if you don’t include Natalie’s party report that we don’t want to mention again.  I will mention that at least a couple of the ‘problem’ boys have started to get a clue as the drama gossip got around; so we’ll hope for better with those friends in the future.

Since the weather wasn’t that great, we opted for playing at the lab or archives after school; stayed later than we were supposed to; and had the dinner-for-two that Mom warmed up for us after we did get home at around seven o’clock.  She chatted with us while we ate; we cleaned up after ourselves; and then she did a Magi lesson with us.  By then, Dad was already done his work in the office, so we decided to have a bit of music fun.  For the record, Mom can sing, but she chooses to be a spectator; and hasn’t been interested in playing any musical instruments.  We had fun jamming with Dad and sharing the music with our audience of one; and that was pretty much the last event of our day.

Mom and Dad headed for their room after wishing us a good night; we’ve been busy with our bedtime computing and twin chat; and we’re nearly ready to split up and get some sleep.  This has been a good day, but obviously not very high on the excitement scale.  In-part, that’s because we’re still missing Cassie and Michael, but we’re also happy about this being our last separation before they’ll be home to stay in May.  It isn’t quite time for a daily countdown, but we might go there after Easter.

Okay, now we’re just wandering along for no reason; so it is time to wrap this up and get to our beds soon.  Stay tuned; and we’ll try to have a more-exciting day tomorrow! ;^)

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!